back to article Holy sentient blender, Batman: Telefónica to trial AT&T's Internet of Home Stuff in Europe

Telefónica will be trialling AT&T’s home security tech in Europe as the US firm tries to get its foot in the door of the Internet of Stuff. The Spanish company is licensing the tech for limited trials on this side of the pond, after which it will decide if it’s worth signing up for a longer term. The trial will be a version of …

  1. Richard Jones 1

    Is There Really a Market For This Stuff?

    I can see sellers wanting a piece of the pie, but is there really a pie that is big enough to slice? Retrofitting a home for all this stuff is not going to be found as a give away with the cornflakes. Most people buying a new home can barely scrape up the cost of the deposit, after that each month brings in bills, more bills and yet bigger bills. If this does as well as the smart meter fiasco this should really fly - - - back home.

    I am not knocking the achievement - I have not seen it in action so cannot knock the execution. It is just that it appears to be a vanishingly tiny potential market populated by few more than gadget aficionados.

    1. Yugguy

      Re: Is There Really a Market For This Stuff?

      Well exactly. I don't have the money to replace all my stuff if it hasn't actually broke.

      I had my last Sony Trinitron TV for about 10 years, never saw the need to change it until it finally died.

    2. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Is There Really a Market For This Stuff?

      Exactly, Richard.

  2. P. Lee

    > International [licensing] we think is one of the largest revenue opportunities

    I doubt it. There needs to be lots of devices in the IoT and licensing costs/tracking kills that goose. There's no cost-saving driver and it introduces complexity where there was none. It will be a difficult thing to promote.

  3. s. pam

    Que Pasa Feck

    How about Telefonica and their child-telcos JUST DELIVER A RELIABLE signal?

    This stuff is frilly nonsense -- might work with the dumb 'mercans but not here.

    We see through your plan!

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Que Pasa Feck

      They'll probably throw it into the bundle in Spain, they'll do anything to maintain the €40/month broadband + phone and €60/month broadband + phone + TV pricepoints.

  4. ecofeco Silver badge

    Who can afford it?

    Doesn't Spain have the highest unemployment rate in Europe? (I'll admit I may be using old data)

    Just who will be able to afford this?

    1. JDC

      Re: Who can afford it?

      Presumably the 75% of the population that does have a job. Still a reasonable number of clients...

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