Off topic - misuse of the acronym SAN
Off topic - but I am now officially blaming the media for the misuse of the term SAN - this means you El Reg!
I am exhausted with this battle in the lexicon of IT - and clearly I have lost it.
Why have destroyed the meaning of the acronym SAN? What does SAN stand for?
A server with disks attached to it is not a SAN, its a server with disks that can be shared out - such a nas/iscsi/FC/FCOE shared storage device or array. It is not a network.
Somehow we have turned what was previously called a Storage Array into a Network. I am not entirely sure how this happened. I think it was some lazy marketing person from Dell who wanted to say SAN a lot because they had no idea what they were talking about.
Now we have turn this acronym into a catch-all for anything storage related that isn't DAS (direct attached storage), an acronym that's name has not been changed.
Please, PLEASE, PLEASE for the love of the universe, will you journalists at the Reg stop using the word SAN in this way!
Call Networked Attached Storage a NAS!
Call a Storage Array a Storage Array!
If you want to refer to an entire set of Network/Fibre Switches and Storage devices attached to it a SAN, that would be G@#$#@$d Darn FU#@$#@ING acceptable.