For those who want SSD
QNAP already has a similar product out for a while, but with SSD (and lower capacity) and AFAIK more functionality: QGenie
WD has got itself a portable wirelessly-connecting external drive, the My Passport Wireless drive. It uses WiFi to connect to “any smartphone, tablet, computer or other device.” It can use USB 3.0 as well as USB 2.0; handy for transferring large files. It broadcasts its own wireless network and allows up to eight devices to …
@petur and the QGenie. That looks useful. However, I can't find any reports of its battery life. Assuming that that "large'"3000mAh is 3V at 3Ah, that's 9Wh. Power consumption is given as 0.8W, which suggests maybe 11 hours of constant use. Of course, if it's 5 V then it's nearer to 19 hours which is much more useful. Does anyone have experience with this device?
Was quite interested in this until I saw the price.
For a bit over half the cost I have a WD MyPassport 2TB and a Ravpower Filehub which between them do exactly the same job. OK it's two devices rather than one, but both of them together fit perfectly into an Amazon Basics MyPassport case and has the added benefit that the Filehub can also act as a battery/power source for any device via it's USB port (as well as driving the HDD that way).
May be another alternative for those who are interested in such an application. Two versions available, cheaper/older one (£30) with 3000mAh and SD, or new V2 for £45 with 6000mAh, LAN (Ethernet), microSD and DLNA (both with SMB, wifi hotspot and USB2 over it).
"why, for god's sake, do I need to connect to the cloud?" - picturethis
In the paragraph near the bottom of the article it states, "WD’s My Cloud mobile app “connects to a My Passport Wireless drive". While I have never used it myself it sounds like it could be in your bedroom (or living room or pocket as the headline posits). The entire MyCloud feature is trying to capitalize on the popular buzzword of the day, Cloud.
Otherwise, I agree with you. I hate the way everyone is throwing around " The Cloud".
REF= Darktable Manual= a Laptop running Linux Darktable teathering function on a DSLR camera uses a usb cable between the camera and laptop... no wifi option yet...
Teathering allows full control of DSLR picture taking controls...and the laptop screen is the viewfinder...YUM... most DSLR's will give camera raw output to laptop as each pix is taken...Darktable is able to laptop store image info for any actual processing later in the laptop (making the actual pix / video).
IMHO= the idea of wifi pix output is only a small part of what a complete photo /video system needs to be and WD's existing 1.0 Tb pocket hard drives are completely suitable for the Darktable Teathering to a Laptop controller, USA Costco price= USD. $79.00 for the simple WD HD-only pocket storage device.
Final Thought= an extra device w/ batteries isn't what any type of camera user needs to store pix with if a simple SD card is possible to use to do a very simillar thing...RS