Let's do a deal
If I turn off my add blocker will you promise not to feed me disguised adverts?
Chetan Venkatesh is the latest subject in Willem ter Harmsel’s interview series. As the founder of Atlantis, he provided a great background to Atlantis. Following on from the interview with the now ex-CEO Bernard Harguindeguy, I had the pleasure of speaking with the CTO of Atlantis, Chetan Venkatesh. Chetan_Venkatesh …
I have now disabled Firefox Adblock Plus on theregister.co.uk, and it won't be re-enabled. If you want the Reg to avoid sliding into advertorial no man's land, unblock and click on a few adverts.
Surf to theregister.co.uk
Click the ABP icon in Firefox
Clock on "Disable on theregister.co.uk"
It's only fair. Ain't nobody got time to do sumptin' for notin'.
I'm using the methodology I stumbled upon here: RamDisk->SSD->HD. Now I'm doing this with multiple companies stuff. I have been looking at dedupe, so it's nice to validate my walk-about approach. Although I must say, I believe I'm sure their USX is probably much more expensive. (Going back to my cave, err, lab.)