back to article Shoot-em-up: Sony Online Entertainment hit by 'large scale DDoS attack'

Sony is suffering a major Distributed Denial-of-Service attack on its network, the company's Online Entertainment boss confirmed today. It comes after The Register reported gripes about service wobbles on the PlayStation Network (PSN) earlier on Sunday. SOE's chief John Smedley coughed to being DDoSed in a series of tweets, …

  1. Matt_payne666

    Bugger... I wondered why i couldn't sign in, its be nearly 8 weeks since Ive used my PS3, the missus is out and I have a whole night free to play...

    Im not so bothered about online gaming, but none of the Playstation Plus titles run without phoning into the mothership... and that is pretty much all my collection!

    crap, back to curry and wanking i suppose...

    1. Jamie Jones Silver badge

      "Im not so bothered about online gaming, but none of the Playstation Plus titles run without phoning into the mothership... and that is pretty much all my collection!"

      But that's to stop the pirates! I.e. those that probably have a cracked version with such restrictions removed....

      Ho hum

    2. S4qFBxkFFg

      re your last paragraph - I hope you didn't do it in that order, or at the least, were very careful.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      That's what you get for supporting a pedlar of DRM infected media.

      Choose freedom - never buy Sony.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        AC - can you pass on the details of who you recommend for your gaming freedom? Id like to know who gives out full games for free.

        Games acquired free through Playstation Plus are linked to your Playstation Plus subscription so stop working when the subscription lapses so in this case there is a valid use of DRM.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Freedom != Zero cost.

          There are many games released without DRM (films, music and books too), some are free (as in cost), some charge a fee and some are also free (as in freedom).

          "in this case there is a valid use of DRM."

          There is never any reason to accept the Digital Repression Mechanism. The only person that beast serves is the media outlet.

          1. Grey Bird

            DRM Free Games

   has DRM free games, many older ones, some newer. I pre-purchased Witcher 3 from them as a DRM free game. Some gaming companies have realized that DRM is probably losing them customers.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If /r/PS4 is to be believed, and if the PS3 is registered as your main device, you should be able to play PS+ games by disabling networking. Not that there's anything wrong with curry and wanking.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Be careful....

    Don't get chilli on your hands.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Be careful....

      Don't get chilli on your hands.

      Don't get chilli on your cock.

      There, ftfy.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The BBC also

    I am getting "500" errors on all the various BBC web pages I have tried to visit this evening.

    1. Smitty Werbenjaegermanjensen

      Re: The BBC also

      That's a lot of errors

  5. Andy Non Silver badge


    Why hit Sony gaming with a DDoS attack? What is to gain and for whom?

    1. Snowy Silver badge

      Re: Why?

      Blackmail maybe?

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Why?

        Naw, first wave of Chinese cyber-attacks on the stuff that REALLY matters, preparatory to US carrier battle-group arriving.

        (See icon. Here's hoping)

    2. Visual Echo

      Re: Why?

      I play the Planetside 2 SOE game, they've goofed a couple of updates and come down on some exploitive players recently. My own theory is that somebody is trying to be king for a day. It's a bit more than the average FPS and I wouldn't be surprised if it attracts this level of treachery (insidiousness? loathing?).

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Since the 'merkin drones are controlled via gamers playing pseudo-games on the PS3 and XBox networks, bringing them down is the first thing to do when the bombs start falling.

  7. ecofeco Silver badge

    What? Again?

    Dear Sony: U r teh derp.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Couldn't happen... a nicer bunch of root-kit pedalling arsewipes.

    Never buy Sony.

  9. Anonymoist Cowyard

    Lets see if the xbox live ddos gets equal billing

    My guess is it wont...

  10. AndrueC Silver badge

    The DDos page from the tweet is interesting but this one is more fun :)

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Crappy gamers are DDOsers.

    In Ace Combat Infinity the first 200 players on the ranking get a new airplane, (the events lasts 2 weeks give or take). Deny service to other 199 players and climb the ranking alone, but don't be first to not make it obvious what a cheater you are. What's the term for tennis, winning by default, WO?

    I believe it applies to all competitive games with ladders and championships.

    Cheating bastards.

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