Re: Cancer - we're looking at the wrong mechanism
I signed up specifically to make this comment because your comment made me so angry. I sent your comment to a cancer researcher (specifically a molecular biologist and geneticist) who has worked in the field for many years. This is his response. I specifically am not going to address how upset your comment made me. I know I will resort to all kinds of furious rants about people who spout pseudo scientific jargon with zero citations to support nut job theories that give people with cancer false hope and stop them from getting proper treatment. I can barely contain my rage so i shall merely post the comments my learned friend had to make.
He said he wasn't going to bother with citations to prove your nonsense is NOT TRUE; as any reasonable commenter here knows, the onus is on you to provide credible research that backs up your garbage. (Let me make a shocking prediction: there isn't any! ) It took him all of 10 minutes to make these notes; that's how easy it was for someone with scientific training to dismantle your comment.
My biologist friend's comment is below:
It is most unfortunate to all of us, but vitamin B12 does NOT cure cancer.
I don't have time for a full literature search to prove that these things are NOT true - he should provide references that they are. What I've written below is scientifically correct - my comments in []:
Vitamin B12 is the primary methylation agent for DNA [True]. Methylated DNA can switch genes off [True], if DNA is short of methylation then it can't switch genes off [Doesn't work like that - check textbooks, do some reading, etc]. .... And 99% of genes in the DNA are supposed to be switched off at any one time [In some cells, not in others, and this is regulated by many mechanisms, DNA methylation only being one of them – they safeguard each other], because they are all for building new cells [Nonsense. Most of the cells in our body do NOT divide.]. Result, lots of energy used up making random components (the weight loss of cancer sufferers) [Absolutely not true. This is text book], and lots of growth of new cells (because the materials are there) leading to tumours, active ones.
Add lots of Vitamin B12, and it sticks the pages of the cookbook down so the cookbook functions correctly [This is the most important comment: There is no evidence for this whatsoever. All we know is that dietary intake of methyl-donor micronutrients is associated with measures of DNA methylation and gene expression, and epidemiologically to cancer risk in a very small subset of cancers - HPV-induced cancers. These cancers have a very direct and relatively simplistic cause – the virus; shut down viral gene expression, cancer won’t happen. Even then however, we have no idea what is the mechanistic link, if there is any at all, between B12 and the aetiology of these cancers; and we certainly have NO evidence that lack of vitamin B12 causes these or any cancers!!]. Cell stops making random components [Hilarious; nonsensical. -basic cell biology]. Cancer stops. So much so, that cells naturally disappear and the tumour goes too [Ridiculous, new age crap. I will NOT look for references to dispute that – homeopaths and people like him should be those to provide references of their fairy tales].
So on to the model for the spread of cancer. Well it isn't due to cells migrating from the site of the surgery or from the site of the original tumour - it's simply that the next batch of cells have too low Vitamin B12 to be able to methylate their DNA [???? ]. Just like draining the swamp (as the water level goes down, you find all the stumps and tangles).
Any evidence? when you give mice with cancer high doses of B12, they stop getting worse and in many cases the tumour actually disappears eventually. Any risk? none (obviously you need to keep an eye out for co-morbidities that need treating, but high B12 has no risk). [References or it never happened.]
So what about the connection with surgery and chemotherapy? The first thing that B12 does (DNA methylation is probably the longest term) is to get rid of toxins from the body, and it does this by escorting them out. Blood full of tobacco? You've probably used up all of your B12 taking the tobacco out. Lead, arsenic, cyanide, organic poisons, etc - all take B12 out. Radicals from surgery? Yup. Chemotherapy? Yup. Less B12 = more cancer [See my comment above.].
I know this is a very biassed view [I can fart a view that will be scientifically more sound than that.], and I expect lots of flames to follow [Because you have no idea what you’re talking about; remind me not to give money to your charity], but have a look at it. It explains the mechanism and it has been shown in experiments, however it is low cost and there's no profit to be made so it's generally opposed." [Ah, a conspiracy of course! All doctors want is to make money on the backs of their dying patients. What a doosh.]