Early adopters prices?
I got two copies of W8 64bit to replace Vista 32bit at the promotion price and for Windows that still seems a pretty good deal.
No big issues using W.8.1.1 with Classic Shell and there is even a useable email client.
So if they offer really cheap copies of W9 I would be interested for older boxes to become part of the network. W8 and W7 sem to play nicely together.
I'm currently locked into Windows because of essential third party applications.
Which is an intersting area which hasn't really been explored here, as far as I can tell.
Most companies still seem to write for Windows (as the major consumer plarform) with possible an IOS version as well.
Linux is still well off the radar.
Android still doesn't have consistent support for USB peripherals - that is you don't get a master port as standard, you need an adapter and hope the particular build supports your third party peripheral.
So until there is plug and play for a wide range of devices (one of mine is a blood glucose monitor) there will always be a tie in to Windows.
So I suspect most of the grumbling about W8 will gradually go away as market forces push people to newer hardware.
Until Android migrates upwards to the x86 desktop/laptop and brings the Play Store with it (the reverse of what MS are trying to do) then Windows will remain the only game in town for most users.
Mines the one with the Android phone and tablet in.