now question is, How long til Apple sues Samsung over the note III claiming they note III looks like the iphone 6?
Just in case? Unverified 'supersize me' iPhone 6 pics in sneak leak peek
New pictures have surfaced that purport to show the casing for a new super-sized iPhone 6. The phab-ulous images popped up on a site called Evasi0n Jailbreak. After the site talked up the images on Twitter for several hours, Apple-sniffers were rewarded with what the site claims are genuine pics. Although a larger 5.5-inch …
Thursday 21st August 2014 12:08 GMT JeffyPoooh
About what it's worth...
"Walmart has knocked the price of the fruity-flavoured iPhone 5C down to just 97 cents."
The Apple staff that even came up with the idea of the colourful 5C, loudly proclaiming "I'm a cheap-wad that can't afford the 5S", should get a bonus of the same amount.
As TG's Clarkson constantly explains, the Porsche Boxster is a rolling advertisement that one cannot afford a 911. If the Boxster only came in bright colours, it would only be worse. I guess Apple staff never watch TG.
Thursday 21st August 2014 12:42 GMT Philip Lewis
Re: About what it's worth...
I know quite a few people who have 5Cs.
They are the sort of girl who swoons over Justin Bieber*. You get the picture.
For this demographic, the 5C is in no way an ad for the owner's lack of financial means.
Also, the white 5C is very über très cool!
* I apologise for even knowing who this is :(
Thursday 21st August 2014 14:28 GMT ukgnome
Re: About what it's worth...
I've used a 5c for about a year, and as a slightly camp straight man I am totally in love with my yellow apple. Software works, it has a good amount of storage and the camera is bloody good. Would I but the S? Absolutely, the c was great for people like me that wanted one but didn't want one. The 6s will get my money because I want want, and I want the best one.
Friday 22nd August 2014 08:43 GMT ukgnome
Re: @credas
If you was an iPhone user then I am sure you would understand, other phones seem clunky by comparison. So whilst the budget model (and I use that term loosely for the c) is a cracking phone the actual cost for the top of the range model is worth it.
Please refer to the Top Gear Porsche argument.
Thursday 21st August 2014 16:28 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: "no one wants to walk around talking to a plastic phone"
I've had a 5 (not c or s) for almost two years, never have had a cover on it or the 4s and 3gs that preceded it, never had a broken screen (though I have had a two or three drops onto concrete that scuffed the edges a bit)
It isn't as though iPhones are any better or worse as far as screen breakage than other phones. They're all using the same Gorilla Glass, so unless they add an airbag that deploys when dropped all phones have the about the same ~ 10% chance of shattering the glass if dropped on concrete.
Friday 22nd August 2014 09:49 GMT jason 7
Re: +1 for Opal Fruits
All I know is that when I was a kid you could put them in the fridge for an hour and it would take two hours to dissolve tucked away in your cheek.
Heaven for an 8 year old in the 70's was a chilled Mars bar cut into chunks by your mum to share with your younger brother so you didn't eat all of it and 'spoil your tea later!' .
Oh probably followed by "get back from that bloody TV or you'll get square eyes!"
The irony....
Friday 22nd August 2014 06:00 GMT Anonymous Coward
He lost me about 4 seconds into the video
As I have said MANY times before, I seriously hate 5 minutes worth of video for what should just be a couple of images, but this guy has managed to make it worse:
- the incessant ads I have to remove (but that's not his fault, that's Google screwing over what's left of Youtube, basically doing a Microsoft);
- the "promo" sting at the beginning (which is another waste of my time and adds no value whatsoever
- his voice. Sorry, but no. Get a friend who has a more polished presentation if you want to do video. I know I'm picky here, but if you want to waste 5 minutes of my life on something that takes me approx. 15 seconds to flash read if it was just in text you better make it very, very good. And this isn't.
(this is also my problem with the EL Reg podcast - I would love to just have a transcript as I don't have the time to listen to the whole thing).
As for the iPhone 6 itself, I'll just wait and see. First of all, I don't buy any device until it has been in the market for 3..6 months so I don't get the initial problems (and it also removes the need to breathlessly wait for releases or this sort of advance "news" :) ), and secondly I really don't need a *larger* device other than for the (admittedly very faint) hope that it would actually end up with a battery life past half a day, it's one of the reasons I'm VERY interested in the Jolla device as it has a user accessible battery. Otherwise I just buy a 5s which will by then have dropped in price - or a Jolla, but I personally don't like Android that much (too much hard work protecting my privacy).
Oh well - I'll just wait.
Friday 22nd August 2014 17:32 GMT I Like Heckling
I have to weigh in... because it's important dammit.
The whole Opal fruit/starburst issue needs to be settled once and for all... Because they are NOT basically the same.
They removed the lemon and the lime and instead combined them into a single lemon & lime, so they could add the disgusting blackcurrent.
As a result, I will no longer buy them... they were the only packet of flavoured sweets I would buy and be able to eat every single flavour. The perfect treat during a movie, now they are polluted with the hideous blackcurrent flavour which means left over sweets... or worse still... a blackcurrent sweet being consumed in the dark by mistake.
Flavours may be different in other countries I guess... But they're British dammit and they ruined them by tampering with the flavours, I can live with the name change but not the flavour one.
Oh and Moya used to Opal Fruit out of danger before the damn marketing people got their hands on the damn scripts. :)
Oh... you though I was going to talk about an iphone.... This is far more important than some fruity symbol phone.