back to article Face-recog tech spots US fugitive wanted for 14 years ... from a photo

The US Federal Bureau of Investigations says it has captured a fugitive who has been wanted for the last 14 years on child sex abuse and kidnapping charges, and it credits modern face recognition technology for the arrest. The accused, Neil Stammer, originally of New Mexico, was arrested in 1999 but released on bond pending …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Of course they don't mention the larger issue in that he was able to get a passport under a false name.

    Great that he was finally captured and will face the consequences for his actions. The court will show him little leniency and he won't be out on bond this time.

    1. big_D

      And, wow, they actually cooperated with the nepalise authorities and aranged for his extradition.

      They didn't turn up with a US arrest warrant and kidnap him, as seems to be the standard MO these days.

      Pat on the back this time round...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Didn't take a lot of special cooperation - cancel his tourist visa, suddenly he's an American illegal immigrant and the Nepalese can just put him on the first plane back to the US. Which presumably was by coincidence the same one an FBI agent was returning home on...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward


          In that case the only reason he'd have to go back to the USA is that no other country would accpet him with a false passport. If his pasport had been valid he would have been able to go anywhere. The Nepalese wouldn't have put him on a plane, it's not like being denied entry at immigration and being sent back to where you came from.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      The prison he was being held in was so bad he voluntarily signed papers to be sent back to the USA, extradition proceedings were not needed.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Nice story.

      So no one in the US Gov has ever run fugitive faces against the passport database before.

      Right. I wonder what the real story is.

  2. Eddy Ito

    Just to be clear

    The FBI has every passport photo already in the facial recognition database but not wanted posters. I get they were looking for passport fraud but they missed this guy's fraudulent passport and only caught up when pictures of known fugitives were put in. Does that strike anyone else as a bit backward?

  3. OzBob

    Data matching comes to passports

    I can see a lot of "long-lost twins" being rediscovered that way.

  4. Khaptain Silver badge

    Boom goes the porn industry

    I never would have imagined that it was possible to recognize a facial.

  5. Arachnoid

    where he remains in custody in Albuquerque pending his trial

    Now theres a good use for any Gitmo vacancy

  6. Allan George Dyer
    Black Helicopters

    Wishes for a fair trial

    If he is Stammer, and he abused the children, then he should go to jail for a long time.

    On the other hand, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Maybe he really is Kevin Hodges, and just happens to look similar to Stammer 14 years ago. The information released so far does not offer any corroboration.

    Whatever the result, this case is likely to be quoted as a statistic in favour of deploying more facial recognition, and false positives will be ignored or downplayed.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Wishes for a fair trial

      My immediate thought upon seeing this story was that it was a blatant (but utterly predictable) attempt to gain acceptance of a potentially very intrusive and privacy-wrecking surveillance technology by promoting a story that associates it with the capture of everyone's favourite bogeyman du jour, paedophiles. Expect a similar one to pop up in the near future describing how the technology helped the US capture a leading terrorist

      Better still... anyone who opposes these technologies supports paedophiles and terrorists... in fact, they're probably one themselves!

      Expect them not to play up the power this gives them- or any political regime- to spy on and control any elements within the population that they don't like, which I don't trust *any* government not to misuse. Expect them not to publicly acknowledge the potential for misuse that this gives them from the same regime whose college-age NSA employees use their power to spy on and lech over private selfies:-

      Creepy f***s.

      1. Jagged

        Re: Wishes for a fair trial

        Russia, America and the UK governments all use the same excuse to spy on our every move, "We are just keeping you safe from terrorist and protecting the children from paedophiles." Of course we have nothing to fear, no one has ever been unjustly persecuted by any of those governments.

        1. Eddy Ito

          Re: Wishes for a fair trial

          governments all use the same excuse to spy on our every move

          The worst part is that everyone else who has all the pictures of largely innocent people from passports in their facial rec. databases is now frantically importing all the pictures of felons and fugitives they have while saying to themselves "why didn't we think of putting the bad guys pictures into the database before?"

          Arsehats, the lot of them.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How much is there to see in Nepal

    If he was there on a tourist visa for 14 years.

    It must be the best kept secret in the travel world.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    need some positive spin?

    "hey look, after all that tech and invasion of privacy, we caught ONE!"

    the end justified the means?

  9. Crazy Operations Guy

    What a horrible monster!

    Teaching American "English" to citizens of other countries like that...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What a horrible monster!

      My thoughts precisely. His poor victims will be left speaking like a west country farmer after suffering a terrible stroke.

      Castrate the bastard.

  10. southen bastard


    that joke up put on tweeter about blowing up somebody + an amail refferance to how good looking some frends childeran are + 4 words in a phone conversation about the govenment being corrupt = fbi arrest warrent valad nealy every were in the world.

    Thank you IT comunity thank you very bloody much for making this possible

  11. Don H

    In Nepal, on a tourist visa, working? Surely some mistake...or is Nepal not that worried about tourists working?

  12. SineWave242

    He's been teaching those 15yo boys *juggling*? With what?

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