Ebay still not up according to my ISP (TalkTalk)
Online tat bazaar eBay coughs to YET ANOTHER outage
Online marketplace eBay went titsup for an unknown number of customers in the UK this morning, but the company has been very slow to respond to complaints. When quizzed about the outage by The Register, eBay 'fessed up to yet more wobbles with its tat bazaar. “We are investigating reports that certain eBay features are …
Tuesday 12th August 2014 12:34 GMT psychonaut
ebay.co.uk works from vpn to the USA
had a customer call about this this very morning. no ebay.co.uk
hes on virgin. im on virgin. same problem for me. however, i dont use virgins dns, i use open dns, and it still doesnt work.
curiously, if i vpn using private tunnel to the USA, ebay.co.uk works fine.
reports from downdetector give multiple issues across multiple UK ISP's. somethings fucked somewhere....(great conclusion i know)!
Tuesday 12th August 2014 13:54 GMT I ain't Spartacus
It's amazing how fault tolerant modern sites are.
I'm astounded how good online and cloud services have become in the last 2 or 3 years. I don't think I can remember in that time a single service falling over. I've seen all the statements. And the worst that has happened is that a few customers were affected for a short time, before the dedicated engineers solved the problem, and everything in the garden was rosy again.
I put it down to marketing becoming responsible for service status updates, rather than tech. As you will all no doubt agree, marketing (with all their MBAs) are far better qualified to run complex systems than mere IT-scum. Hence this recent vast improvement in fault tolerance.
Tuesday 12th August 2014 14:10 GMT PaulR79
Working for me
Unfortunately eBay working still doesn't make this seller respond to my concerns that they've grabbed the money and still not supplied what I paid for almost a week later despite listing it as "Express Delivery". I'm sure they will try to use this as an excuse if they do eventually respond though...
Thursday 4th September 2014 08:27 GMT powergreen
ebay outages Sept 3, 2014
These outages are targeted,systematic & pre-programmed.....(Home Depot,,Paypal,ebay,Facebook, Amazon,etc)....Target during last Holiday Season, ebay on its anniversary date. They seems to originate from EU & Middle East. Although most websites will not admit truthfully that they have been hacked by sophisticated viruses due to public liabilities & image; they are helpless. Is it possible that the ISIS is behind all these western website blackouts, similar to 911? I had my ebay service down for at least 7 hours today (due to regular planned maintenance service...that is BS). This is INTERNET WAR with no weapons & territories?! Internet is now the social,economical & global bloodstream that can infiltrate for the good,bad & ugly.