back to article Sysadmin Day 2014: Quick, there's still time to get the beers in

It is 25 July, and that means it's Systems Administrators Appreciation Day once more. Sysadmin Day is that one special day a year where syadmins the world over say to each other "Wow, I can't believe we all made it another year", and everyone else forgets that this has been a thing for 14 years. Despite the inevitable apathy …

  1. Anonymous Coward
  2. Anonymous South African Coward Silver badge

    *raises glass*

    Cheers to the other sysadmins out there...

  3. hplasm


    For all.

    Hapopy SysAdminDay!

  4. IglooDude

    Marketing, contests and prizes are all well and good, and I'm certainly fond of the free beers that this day typically produces, but can we start a movement whereby on this day ritual sacrifice of "most user-ish user in the office" becomes traditional? I mean, we don't have to *actually* remove their beating heart or chuck them into a volcano, I'd settle for a simple ceremonial gesture such as a good flogging in the server room where no one can hear them scream...

    (Beer, because I can't bring myself to apply the Joke Alert icon here.)

    1. Santa from Exeter


      We have an internal award of NOTW - Numpty of the week, awarded at our Monday Team meeting for such occurences as using rm -rf (unset variable)/*

  5. Lionel Baden

    how do we get this to be a national holiday !!!

  6. Peter Simpson 1

    Thanks for all the help this year

    "Hello, IT. [pause] Have you tried turning it off and on again?"

    Mine are getting an "Edible Arrangement" -- fruit and chocolate

  7. WraithCadmus

    Some nice messages

    We've had some nice comments from people here after being alerted to the day and suitable sugary treats provided.

    The devs still aren't getting root though.

    1. John 104

      Re: Some nice messages


      One of my FAVORITE things as a sysadmin is telling a dev they can't have root. It's even more fun when they ask why...

      1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

        Re: Some nice messages

        They aren't proper devs if they don't have machines of their own on a private network.

  8. Joe 48

    Some jokes... Well... Almost jokes

    So one day the sysadmin drove to lunch with a few Users that hadn't broken anything lately, a mechanical engineer, an electrical engineer, and a chemical engineer. On their way back to the office, the car stalled and wouldn't start. The mechanical engineer suggests an engine problem and that he might be able to fix it. The electrical engineer says its probably a wiring problem he can fix. The petroleum engineer thinks there might be water in the fuel, and that he should check the filter. The sysadmin speaks up authoritatively, sure of the solution, and says "everyone get out of the car and get back in".

    Q: How many sysadmins does it take to change a lightbulb?

    A: None. It's a hardware problem

    Q. Where does a sysadmin go after work?



    1. Blane Bramble

      Re: Some jokes... Well... Almost jokes

      @Joe 48 localhost?

      I go ~ at the end of the day.

      1. Joe 48

        Re: Some jokes... Well... Almost jokes

        @Blane Bramble. Ha ha, fair enough :) I'll head $HOME now......

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Some jokes... Well... Almost jokes

      Q. Where does a sysadmin go after work?

      A. They loopbacktowork?

  9. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    I can't believe this started before the War on Terror

    Those were better times.

    1. Joe Drunk

      Re: I can't believe this started before the War on Terror

      I wholeheartedly agree. I raise my glass today not only in honor of those who didn't make it but to those of us who worked even longer hours than our normal 80+ hour week on the grueling process of restoring the infrastructure in the aftermath.

  10. psychonaut


    as title

  11. joeW

    Cheers from a Web Developer

    Without Sysadmins to keep the servers humming and the tubes flowing, I wouldn't have a job.

  12. Pete 2 Silver badge

    Not what the plan said

    > It is 25 July, and that means it's Systems Administrators Appreciation Day

    It was scheduled to be March 31st, but somehow it kept getting delayed.

  13. Mr_Pitiful


    SysAdmin Day ------>

  14. Field Marshal Von Krakenfart

    WHAT!!!!! THIS is discrimination!!! When is BOFH appreciation day?

    Anyway, it's not official until Hallmark make a card for it.

    1. Isendel Steel

      BOFH Appreciation day

      Any Friday it appears on El-Reg.

      Beer for SysAdmins

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

        Re: BOFH Appreciation day

        Whenever you check under the raised floor and find a body down there.

  15. Down not across


    or that there's a #sysadminday tweetup in your neighbourhood.

    Real sysadmins don't use twitter. They use wall/talk.

    1. John 104

      Re: Blasphemy

      Real sysadmins couldn't be bothered by social media...

  16. Sean Kennedy

    Some produce infographics containing interesting tit-bits of information about sysadmins.

    Erm, I believe that's supposed to be "tidbit".

    Although I like the incorrect form better, myself. Kind of rolls off the tongue, as it were.

    1. Alister

      Erm, I believe that's supposed to be "tidbit".

      Depends which side of the big pond you are. AFAIK in Britain, tit-bits is perfectly valid, perhaps we are less prudish about our language...

  17. Mintyboy

    Cheers from the IT Lacky

    Sysadmin, Bin Emptier, Network Engineer, Scanner/Printer Cleaner and Fixer, Desk Mover...

    Cheers to us all...

    Make sure there are cold ones waiting for you if not get one on the the back home

  18. LucreLout

    Kick in the nuts

    All my admins will be getting from me is a well deserved kick in the nuts.

    Another year of hiding behind paperwork rather than delivering productivity. Another year dealing with "Dr No". Another year of random outages. Another year of stealth changes that knock out whole chains of systems. It just goes on and on.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Kick in the nuts

      You have my sincere apologies for working at Microsoft, however to everyone else: CHEERS!

    2. Tom Maddox Silver badge

      Re: Kick in the nuts

      Try supporting the environment yourself and see how well you do. (I say this as someone who was awoken before 6:00 AM today to resolve a problem with house-of-cards code written by an ex-contractor, for which the apparent key dependency is a human constantly monitoring execution and providing workarounds as needed when it fails.)

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Kick in the nuts


      Get stuffed.

      Anon because, well, I'm an SE at Microsoft...

      1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

        Re: Kick in the nuts

        "because, well, I'm an SE at Microsoft..."

        My condolences. I hope you never have to explain or attempt to justify VDA to anyone, ever.

    4. Peter2

      Re: Kick in the nuts

      > Another year of hiding behind paperwork rather than delivering productivity. Another year dealing with "Dr No".

      Yes. Because if your being told "no" frequently then you have clearly done all of the compliance work required for your industry instead of leaving it to IT to do your compliance management, discover it's non compliant and then come back and say "sorry, but no".

      > Another year of random outages.

      Personally, my core infrastructure dates back to the pre recession days and it does have random outages, part of the price of running hardware that old. Not exactly the IT staff's fault if the hardware is running on borrowed time! Presumably the management feels that the cost of the downtime is less than the cost of replacement equipment.

      > Another year of stealth changes that knock out whole chains of systems. It just goes on and on.

      Doesn't happen in my environment, but then nobody can actually install anything I don't support!

  19. Dann

    sys admin day UK

    And not forgetting sys admin day UK.

    With a competition at with a chance to win a free t-shirt from getdigital

  20. The Vociferous Time Waster


    It's all just applications on my network.

  21. ScottK

    Public Holiday

    Here in Darwin, sysadmin day is celebrated with a public holiday.

  22. Alan W. Rateliff, II
    Paris Hilton

    Geek culture?

    I protest. As the main-stream adoption (corruption) of the term "geek" now requires the inclusion of gamers, it is important to note that not all system administrators are geeks. In fact, to a large degree, gamers rely upon us sysadmins as without us their fun times would be over. Or we befuddle said fun times with useless DRM or Internet connectivity requirements. Which ever.

    1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

      Re: Geek culture?

      Not all geeks are gamers, but some gamers are geeks. I don't see the problem?

      Mine's the one with the D20 in it.

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