rarely update my home rooters
yeah I called em rooters, sounds funny.
My current home internet gateway is a Soekris box running OpenBSD 5.4 i386. Before the CF card failed roughly 222 days ago (current uptime) it was running I want to say OpenBSD 4.8 (maybe 4.4?) for however many years that was out for(never applied any updates). System is pretty locked down running pf (the only reason I use OpenBSD otherwise I do not like it at all). I login to the openbsd box maybe 3 times a year seems like. Haven't had to adjust the firewall rules in years.
I have a very old netgear WRT54G or whatever they are called running a version of DD-WRT (???) from about 6 years ago. It works, don't feel a need to change it (never crashed, never caused a problem). It's locked down as well as it can be I think. It's on a segmented network that routes through the Openbsd box before it can get to my main LAN or internet. I don't even login to the UI to this thing more than 2-3 times a year.
99% of my traffic runs on wired ethernet.
I have another wifi access point a netgear powerline extender thing-a-ma-bob. it's directly connected to my main network and has the max encryption it supports (forgot which offhand) and mac filtering (far from perfect but anything helps) enabled (WRT54g has both as well).
my laptop and work desktop for that matter run ubuntu 10.04 LTS (end of life was a year ago I believe). At some point I will buy a SSD for my laptop and install Linux mint (whichever one feels closest to Gnome 2 I forget which off hand). Don't plan to upgrade my work desktop unless something fails.
Never once to my knowledge anyway has any of the systems I personally manage either at home or work been successfully hacked in the 18 years or so I've been doing this, so I feel pretty confident that the stuff I do is adequate.