This is what can happen ....
... when you ask for an extra helping of hot sauce. (Is that a sloping roof?).
A jiggy Delaware pair who allegedly indulged in some hot burrito meets soft taco action atop a Mexican restaurant have been charged with a buffet of offences including "lewdness", "indecent exposure second degree" and "resisting arrest". According to Newark Delaware Police Department's Facebook presence, an officer rushed to …
Not forgetting some sage advice/comments from TacoBell sauce packets, to wit:
"Warning! You're about to make a taco very happy."
"I feel so comfortable in your hands."
"I would've chosen me too."
"You chose wisely." (egocentric tacos, I guess...)
"Do I know you from somewhere?"
"I'm single...are you?" (erm, a little late for that...)
"Dibs on the taco."
"Has catsup been talking smack about me?"
"We could all use a little squeeze now and then."
"That's my ticklish spot."
"You bring the appetite, I'll bring the heat."
"Guess it's just you and me now." (yeah, and a thousand other people....)
"I carry my weight in my midsection." (erm, maybe in a few months...?)
"Add a little verde to your life."
"It would be an honor to sauce your food."
"This is gonna end with you eating me, isn't it?" (hey, that's on a sauce packet...)
"Wait, I want to remember you like this."
Read the article and note the addresses. It would appear that they ventured out onto the roof from one of their own apartments, simply staying indoors would have given them more than enough privacy, so much so, that it seems more than likely they wanted to be seen.
However it could be that the apartment was full, a party for example, and they did indeed seek privacy on the roof.
Given the choice, I think I'll go with the first theory.
The IT angle: I can see a tenuous connection with various Unix commands. Here's my "man" page:
type: she was his, and vice-versa
tee: what she was wearing
strings: he has a nice trophy collection
touch: how this all got started
wait: what they failed to do
strip: what they did
head: what he wanted
tail: what he got
expand: what happened to the burrito (that's a little donkey, right?)
join: the connection between burrito and taco
time: there wasn't enough
nice: right up until the police arrived
split: what they tried to do once the police arrived
alias: what he and she tried to give to the police
what: the crime of combining burritos and tacos in public
Lyndon, I'm an upvote whore, I'll take them from anyone, even GHCQ.
On the subject of things that make you poo in extremis, I recently discovered that crushed chillis, while an excellent way to make almost anything utterly delicous, are rather like a good whiskey - not to be enjoyed too much on a worknight.
That day at work after that four cheese and a fistful of chilli dinner was an excrutiating one.
I'm 32, I should know these things by now...
In that case, Baja Fresh - no microwaves or can openers, etc.
Btw, Glen Bell wasn't directly connected to Del Taco (my bad), but he did give them help early on...
The best tacos are usually from the taco trucks (then again, go to Mexico and ask for a taco - you'll get either a blank stare or something that looks almost, but not completely, unlike an American taco...).
This is exactly how every police department in every jurisdiction I've lived in would have responded to this.
Any call about noisy sex or a college party would have a dozen shirts there in minutes. Burglary in progress? Half an hour. But the time a drunk guy was using a bat to try and bash open the door to the apartment building? "Go tell him to go away, and call us back if he actually breaks it down."
To be fair, I didn't feel like confronting him myself and he never actually broke in. Just did a hundred bucks worth of damage to the foyer and the door. Way to go cops.