"Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet."
A handy piece of advice from Sir Winston Churchill's twitter feed.
Joke Alert - for those still protesting at a certain film maker killing an innocent triceratops while on safari.
Oracle has issued a statement saying that it absolutely does support Java on Windows XP and may even decide to support JDK 8 on the orphan OS. Oracle's post on the issue says "We expect all versions of Java that were supported prior to the Microsoft de-support announcement to continue to work on Windows XP for the foreseeable …
Just spent an annoying hour trying to install the latest Java on a WinXP machine remotely and found that they have changed the system requirements to exclude XP
ie if you have access to an older installer you might be able to get it to install, but don't try and install it from their website as it will fail. BTW the updates may work but not sure for how long.
"We expect all versions of Java that were supported prior to the Microsoft de-support announcement to continue to work on Windows XP for the foreseeable future. In particular, we expect that JDK 7 will continue to work on Windows XP."
You mean, just like every other bit of software, it won't suddenly stop working now the OS it's end of life? Chances are I could dig out my old Atari and find that the software on that still, somehow, magically works.
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