Re: Just Pick One Language/Framework!
"apple was able to deliver a singular development environment build around good old Object C for both iOS and Mac OSX,"
ObjectiveC is common language, but the iOS and OSX APIs are not. They're similar in design, but the features are different for each API library. Higher up the stack, CocoaTouch and Cocoa are two related UI frameworks, but they're "compatible" only at the conceptual level.
I think you've misunderstood what Microsoft's HTML+CSS+JavaScript solution actually is. It's not a web browser: it's a way of specifying the application's UI using markup that it is already familiar to designers (with the addition of the full set of CSS object layout properties that application UIs need). The application underneath can be native code (doesn't have to be if the app is "shallow" enough to be realisable in JavaScript, but if access to deeper system functions is required, you can write native components, and expose them to the UI). It's very like QML in Qt, although unlike Qt it uses an existing, widely-known markup language (HTML) to define the UI rather than invent its own. (Personally, I prefer QML, but that's largely my background as a developer, not a web designer)
Previous "web apps" systems did suck, because a. the browser script engines weren't good enough (and even now, Apple still holds back the performance of encapsulated HTML apps on iOS), and b. the browsers didn't (and don't) support the CSS3 and CSS4 object layout properties needed to produce user interfaces (e.g., dividing a div into equal sections, aligning items vertically, anchoring one object to another, etc... all trivial in Swing/QML/XAML/Cocoa but impossible on the current browser population.)