In all fairness
For those slagging Talk Talk off, and lets be honest, most UK ISP telephone and broadband providers are crap, I can attest to the fact that my parents are actually getting a broadband/telephone package deal cheaper than elsewhere with what limited providers are available in South Wales - outside of Newport or Cardiff.
I can inform you all that my folks presently pay £7.00 per month for a reasonable service package and that the Broadband speed is approx. 6mb, twice the speed and significantly cheaper than where I'm living in Hong Kong.
Our contract is cheap because my parents are long time users of Talk Talk services by dint of the fact that Talk Talk purchased most of the ISP competition in South Wales, and that when I threatened not to re-new contracts in January, they actually dropped the telephone line charge - thus giving the folks a considerable yearly saving - which is good news given how expensive their ISP service was, never mind other utilities.
Indeed, the folks have never had an issue with Talk Talk, be it technical, or the deals I've negotiated with on their behalf's - obviously, all they actually do is use the phone as neither of my folks are good with technology, that said, once I'm back home for a few months work at the years end, i'll be able to DL about 400G of content at a decent speed, and conduct my actual work at a decent cost.
In a nutshell, if you think the UK is shite, try living in the wilds here in Hong Kong, we have zero competition and are lucky to achieve 3mb, and its been like this for 10 years, as many will attest too and my costs for phone and broadband are 3.5 times more expensive than the UK. It may be unlimited, and the number of free minutes you get is high, but it takes a long time to DL a 10G movie - so, rather the UK, than here to be honest.