I've had one of these for a couple of years now, but successive updates have rendered it unable to reliably connect to the shares on my NAS and it is now getting replaced by a Raspberry Pi running XBMC. Shame really, as it was a great little box initially.
WD adds Miracast support to feed-slinging tellybox gizmo
WD has updated its “sling your media to the TV” box and brought out the WD TV Personal Edition, adding Miracast support. It's a media player that, according to the bumf, "plays virtually any media file stored on USB and network storage devices or any computer on the home network." It supports file formats like MKV, MP4, AVI, …
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Monday 7th July 2014 18:09 GMT Richard Boyce
Re: Great little box
My old WD TV has had its share of problems, and the few updates tend to add as many problems as they fix. For example, I also have compatibility problems with network shares.
And speaking of compatibility, I see that WD are cranking up the claims of media compatibility, past the limit of what is reasonable, IMHO. With claims like "Play all your media files on your TV", and "You have it, we'll play it.", there are going to be quite a few annoyed customers. For example, most WD TV boxes have been unable to play my .ape audio files (yes, I know I can transcode to FLAC), despite this not being an exotic format and it looks like this new box can't play those files either.
Monday 7th July 2014 18:29 GMT Nate Amsden
works well for me
I have used a WD TV since last fall exclusively with TV Mobili running on a linux box (DLNA), works very well. It doesn't play flash video (I have a few downloaded music videos that I need to convert from flash), but other than that I have no complaints.
TV Mobli says I have 32GB of music(3k files) and about 2T of video(2900 files), and thanks perhaps to it's indexing browsing from the WD TV is instantaneous. Haven't had a need to try NFS or other data access methods.
Tuesday 8th July 2014 03:58 GMT John Nieurzyla
Prefer Asus
They do not mention the big problem of the units getting too hot, when its switched off in standby mode, the unit does get very hot. The local WD help line is responsive, and will replace units under warranty, but no one is very knowledgeable to technical questions.
It does not mention if it has hdmi connection? or updated software for subtitles ie, manually altering the subtitle to delay or advance to speech, or select the correct subtitle file.
I will be going back to Asus.