back to article Keith McMahon, tech analyst, dies at 50

We're very shocked to hear of the death of one of the telcomms industry's wisest and best-loved experts, Keith McMahon, aged just 50. Born in Salford, Keith was widely known as a witty and shrewd analyst of the media and telecomms industries for STL Partners, where his presentations were the highlight of its Telco 2.0 …

  1. Bronek Kozicki

    sad news

    condolences to family and friends.

  2. Alister

    Sad to hear.

    Far too soon...

  3. SamCrawford

    Blimey, very sorry to hear this, spoke with Keith a number of times over the years, and he was always very perceptive, very encouraging of others' work and an all round decent guy. Condolences to the family and his friends.

  4. John Smith 19 Gold badge


    Taken in on Friday, Dead by Monday. That's very sad.

    Unless his family had known for months about this (and this was the final phase of his illness) he sounds like another victim of " I'll soldier on and it'll clear up" itis.

    No it didn't. :-(

    I urge any Reg readers who've got persistent symptoms.

    Get a doctors appointment now.

    The life you save may be your own.

    1. Gene Cash Silver badge

      Re: Damm.

      Unless you're in the US, where the doctors are completely and totally incompetent at anything more complex than a broken bone or a couple of stitches.

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        Re: Damm.

        "Unless you're in the US, where the doctors are completely and totally incompetent at anything more complex than a broken bone or a couple of stitches."

        Well this is a UK website and in the UK they have this thing called the NHS which "free at the point of use."

        For US readers I guess you should get yourself down to the ER. Or perhaps start praying.

        I saw an amazing leaflet a few days ago. It read

        "If you're seeing blood in your poo for 3 weeks you should see your doctor."

        Obviously because there are people out there who do have such symptoms and have not seen a doctor.

        No matter how long I live I cannot seem to run out of finding new ways for people to be stupid.

        You can be a little embarrassed or a lot dead.

        The choice is yours.

      2. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

        Re: Damm.

        Unless you're in the US, where the doctors are completely and totally incompetent

        I live in the US, and the doctors I and the rest of my family use are all quite competent. Perhaps you should move to a different state. Or just give up making sweeping, insulting, wildly incorrect generalizations. You're not required to be an idiot on the Internet.

  5. Fraser B

    From a friend.

    Shocked & grieving, Keith was a wonderful friend. His humour was infectious and so sharp witted. Always there with an insightful take on life, sport and of course telecoms. I was lucky enough to be part of the netstart start up where we met, and when that ended we maintained a friendship through a shared passion for the sport of cycling and the odd beer or two. This has come as such a shock, we were in contact the day before he went into hospital, no warnings. Words cannot convey just how bright, unique, fantastic and down to earth he was. He has left a lovely family behind and my thoughts are with them at this incredibly sad time. A tragic loss. Love to Sam, Josh & Isobel.

    Fraser Brydson.

  6. rjmachin

    Very sorry to read this

    A great shock. Commiserations and sympathy to Keith's family, friends and colleagues.

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