How about a bit of truth based on someone who had to develop in Access from V1.1 to 2010 (and Oracle, Rdb, Informix, PostgreSQL, Sybase,SQL Server, etc).
Within its limitations, And IF done by someone who had slogged up the very long and very steep learning curve Acess generally reasonable - IF:
The forms,, code and reports are in a separate front-end from the back-end database.
No more than 5-10 concurrent connections to a shared writable Access back-end.
No more than 50-100,000 rows in a table which should not be linked to more than a couple of smallish tables.
No wireless networking.
If you really, really, need to go beyond this, Access is fine if you use the separate front-end to a SQL Server backend, when experience has shown that 10 million rows, up to 50 or so concurrent users, many more relationships, and wireless clients are OK, provided that you rewrite any queries to be on the back-end and use stored procedures.
Now can the web kiddies who use MySQL because it is scalable and reliable please keep the noise down while I go for my senior citizen's nap?