lastname incorrect
my last name is not spankmonkey
thank you.
Norbert Spankmonkey has invited you to connect. Oh dear, not another one of these mystery invitations. Who the heck is Norbert Spankmonkey? Did we exchange emails perhaps, or cross swords recently on a forum? Could I have met him at that conference earlier in the week, the one at the casino that ended with free drinks? I …
AND WHAT DO WE DO??? Hawks and entire GOPer supporters, right after spitting all over the only POW of the abandoned long ago missions and those sent to accomplish so quickly after 9/11 are screaming about their want to go back into Iraq. Once again No Mention As To The Results From Those War Drums Beating: i.e. the people served Responsibility the Veterans Administration!! Both wars yet to be paid for and they want more 'free wars', as long as others, the real 1%, serve in them!!! Not the 1% that reap the profits from!!!
Senate Passes VA Reform Bill - June 2014
February 27, 2014 - Senate Blocks Dem Bill Boosting Vets' Benefits
“Why in 2009 were we still using paper?” VA Assistant Secretary Tommy Sowers “When we came in, there was no plan to change that; we’ve been operating on a six month wait for over a decade.” 27 March 2013
- Vietnam veterans call Richard Burr (minority leader on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee) ‘insulting’ ""The Vietnam Veterans for America is slamming Sen. Richard Burr in a new letter, saying his comments about veterans service organizations were “insulting” and “ugly.”""
Rep Millier (R-FL)- House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman: "But Miller is vowing to find the billions needed to pay for it — which could pose a challenge." "“We’ll pay for it. We’ve got to pay for it,” he said on Wednesday evening. “We’ll have to find a way.”"
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said the Senate bill created "an unlimited entitlement program" for veterans and voted against it.
Just three lawmakers — all Republican senators — voted against the veterans measures. In addition to Sessions, Republican Sens. Bob Corker of Tennessee and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin voted no.
Sen Ron Johnsons Pathetic Excuse for Voting NO: "Johnson blamed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) for rushing "a different bill onto the floor of the Senate without even an estimate of costs." "
Here's your answer Miller and Sessions as to that 'unlimited entitlement program':
"If military action is worth our troops’ blood, it should be worth our treasure, too" "not just in the abstract, but in the form of a specific ante by every American." -Andrew Rosenthal 10 Feb. 2013
All above and their party ideology long to privatize, the peoples served responsibility, the VA for corporate profit off the peoples treasury, they'll then finally stop obstructing VA budgets and be able to legislate extra fee's and more for those corporate entities as they bring along all the problems, never mentioned, in the cash rich to fix already but don't untill made public, private sector! While they quickly rubber stamped the abandoning of the missions and those sent after 9/11 and All war costs, including no bid private contracts, building a
private merc army that morphed into another intelligence gathering agency ot regulated, no over site and now no known budget costs for, rubber stamped, off the books till executive administrations changed and all borrowed with two tax cuts, still. Along with all the other bushco want policies, rubber stamped and not funded!!
The Country that 'Talks the Talk' but rarely 'Walks the Walk'!! Patriotism Posers who loves the free wars and ignore any sacrifice as to the long term results from! Long ignoring the many issues of Veterans, throw a few million
every now and then for studies they already know the results they want, especially as a result of our wars. Them representatives leading that ignoring while attacking the under funded VA, decades now and wars from, they control the purse strings of the Country! While political ideologues on conservative side made comfortable livings writing and speak on issues like PTS denying it exists and still do. Like Sally Satel, M.D.. Resident scholar at the Conservative American Enterprise Institute still reaping in and still denying. Then there's Agent Orange, Gulf War Syndrome and so many more
Damn, and I unlinked my linkedin account this week because my boss 'suggested' that I really should accept his invitation. I had to be honest (after all, he's my boss) and say that the only reason I had one was that I was looking for a job, which he gave me.
Otherwise, I'd join the semi-washed masses of commentards, and send him an invite.
I don't have a link account cause it seems a bit like a circle jerk of fake endorsements
Oh lord yes. And LI pumps it by prompting people to endorse one another; I'm sure a lot of people just click through the damn things.
I created an LI account some years ago when I got an invite from a friend who was looking for a job; figured it might help him out a bit. (He wasn't out of work for long.) Since then I've accepted invitations from people I know in person or have at least had substantial phone conversations with. Everyone else I ignore, as I do those damned endorsements.
I do subscribe to daily updates from a few LI groups and there are generally a few items of interest each week. (You learn to recognize the ninnies who just repost links to StumbleUpon and other aggrevator aggregator sites.) But Usenet it ain't.
This post has been deleted by its author
just sums it all up nicely.
I agree with everything you say. As a nobody, I'm assuming most of the random connection attempts I get are hacked accounts wanting to spam me with something. My wife insisted we get a facebook page for our holiday cottage. We have one. Some of our friends have have liked it. Nobody has ever enquired about a booking through it. Waste of time. Plenty of traffic through google and our website.
Underappreciated article at the guardian :
Though it's way too nice about LinkedIn
" LinkedIn is a group of dead-eyed, sharp-elbowed junior executives in the bar of an airport Novotel at 2am after a conference, slapping themselves on the back while scanning their peers for signs of weakness."
I used to visit Linked-iin after I cut adrift from Local Authority employment to try to keep in touch with current thinking in my main line of work (literacy difficulties). But soon realised that it was mostly inhabited by a bunch of self-serving snake-oil sellers that were not actually aware of or even interested in any kind of thinking other than the one that would support their own business-; teaching phonic skills mechanically. (It's easy to design and market - and has a superficial logic to it that is attractive to anyone not thinking too deeply).
The last thing they were interested in was anything that suggested life couldn't be tidily packaged and marketted.
It was never a social network for professionals, as far as I could see, looking at other bits. It was all bluster and bullshitting. - Mostly aimed at other bull-shitters.
After that all Linked-in emails went straight to the junk folder.
Delete all your Linkedin content
Create temporarily working email account
Rename name and email
Confirm email change received by temp account
Delete Linkedin
Delete Temp email account
Problem solved.
Repeat with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr etc as often as required.
An IRC channel. private skype texts, email and giving some people an FTP account on my "unlimited" hosting plan, and a couple of my own hosted CMS/Blogs with comments and "sign up" disabled is enough for me I have decided.
The Advertisers can stick to regular web advertising, Radio, TV, Billboards, papers etc, though when I am world dictator most of it will be banned and $1M fine per lie. The adverts seem to actually tell you nothing truthful about the product.
All these social networking sites only exist to exploit you. They have no user value at all.
> There is one reason I have Facebook, event planning. Most everyone I want to invite or be invited by has it
And even moster¹ of them have an email account and/or a mobile phone. Just send a fucking email.
I am on the receiving end of someone who uses Farcebook for "event planning" as you say (or rather for changing the schedule of an otherwise regular event). Of course, I have no Farcefuckingbook so he's got to fucking text me (and a bunch of others) anyway. :-/
¹ Pardon the mangling.
I made the mistake (some years ago) of not paying 100% attention while signing up to Linkedin at the behest of several friends, only to discover that, during the process, it had hoovered the entire content of my contacts app - family, friends, medical & service providers - everyone. Never again.
it had hoovered the entire content of my contacts app
It is possible to prevent LI from doing this, at least if you only interact with it through the web site. (I wouldn't trust an LI app for a second.) But they do try to sneak it past you, and it is a tupping liberty.
I have accounts on LI and Facebook to make my friends happy. Since I very rarely do anything with those accounts, they cost me very little (in opportunity costs, cognitive load, privacy1, etc) and they spare me from complaints about my lack of LI, Facebook, and Twitter3 targets. That said targets are actually sinks doesn't seem to bother them.
1Since I post here and elsewhere online using my real name2, and have over the years mentioned any number of details that could be used to ferret out plenty of information about my life, the small exposure of merely possessing those accounts isn't an issue for me.
2Though it's a relatively common name. There's no shortage of "Michael Wojcik"s around, some discernibly more famous than even I am.
3I have never "tweeted", but somehow amassed a few dozen "followers" anyway. They bask in the glory of my silence. No such luck for you lot.
adding things like nuke the president does the same
My fortune(1)-style random signature-line database for Usenet had this little tweak, which I composed sometime after the Infamous Fraction of 2001:
Distracted by the sounds of Anthrax, I crashed my bin laden with goods into the bush.
I thought that achieved decent spook-bait density.
Just friend them and then unfriend them. They won't notice anything anyway, since they just got friended by 500+ people like them.
What is more annoying and weird is all the random birthday wishes I get on LinkedIn from people who I've never met, that happen to do business with the company where I work. I have no clue how they got my birthday. Does LinkedIn tell them to do that?
"Maybe not but talking with a scottish accent is"
...why dae ye no just take a sook o' mah stroop ya softy southern* shandy drinking bast.
Steven "John O Groats**" Raith
*Anyone south of Inverness, as it happens.
**Thrumster, Wick and Thurso actually, but same difference.
Yes yes, Dabbsy, but can't we connect through twitlinkebook 'cause I regularly read your column and I buy souls. Not convinced yet?
The most annoying ones are the persistent. Every couple of months they send a new invitation, incapable of realising that I do not want to be linked to thick fucking morons. Probably the kind of that wouldn't even get it when I tattooed it to their foreheads with a pickaxe.
> I am not normally so dismissive
It sounds to me like you are the height of diligence.
My usual (read: only) strategy with all of these requests is to delete them out of hand - with no further thought, or guilt. The only exceptions being if I have met the individual, in person recently. And that there is a picture or hint of a cat, baby or obvious product anywhere in the material they sent me regarding the invitation.
So long as I actually know the person I will consider adding, friending or whatever other -ing is in vogue.
My brother tells me that there is a procedure for dealing with Facebook friend requests: If they're female, you click yes, quickly go to their page and have a look round for interesting photographs. Then quickly un-friend before they can look at any of your stuff.
"My brother tells me that there is a procedure for dealing with Facebook friend requests:"
My procedure for dealing with FB friend requests was to delete the account that SWMBO set up in my name without asking me.
Anybody struggling with the cost of air-conditioning should simply set up an FB account in somebody else's name. This will reliably cause a frigid atmosphere that endures for many days.
So long as I actually know the person I will consider adding
For me it's easier. I have professional obligation to remain discreet, and on top of that I am already adverse on riding on someone else's glory. Nothing is IMHO more lame than referring to the high end friends you have. This means I actually do the reverse: as long as the person who wants to connect serves to pollute the information someone can mine from LinkedIn I'm game (insofar thatbthey're still decent people, of course). But clients as well as suppliers are not in my contacts lists, nor is the data on LinkedIn about me any longer than it has to be. Oh, and any supplier that tries to do this after we had an initial chat automatically adds itself to the list of people we don't want to deal with - I just threw out a PR agency for exactly that because they clearly were not listening to what we told them. Easy.
The article lists one particular nuisance: Hank Waggenburger III wants to connect with you via Buttplugg! - been there. The problem here is that such an invite is the result of the app mining someone's contacts, in other words, my details exist in the originator's records somewhere. In that context I absolutely LOATH LinkedIn's persisten attempts to get me to give them access to my email provider to mine my address book. Excuse me? You're a US company, LinkedIn, so there is no flaming chance you will ever be allowed even close to my personal details, ever. Even if you *cough* "promise" not to store the password you want from me (honestly, do people fall for that?).
The obvious question is why I still have a LinkedIn profile, and the answer is simple: it stops someone else from pretending to be me. It also creates a nice route for deception - worth every penny I'm not paying them...
I have to admit, I was somewhat tempted to send Alistair a friend request halfway through the article.
However, I don't knowingly have a linkedin account, and linkedin emails in general pissed me off so much that I blocked their IP's on our network firewall about a year ago, so it wouldn't be fair for me to do that to someone else.
"to read my old copy a second time AND for making them write a new comment"
Ahh, that was a fine exchange of views. But at least the Reg republished some good'uns, of yours, meaning that you wouldn't owe us for our wasted time.
But why need I make a NEW comment? What's sauce for the goose, sir! If when the Reg republished your articles, they also reposted all the old comments then they'd save all us commentards no end of time. Employers could then pay you for the improved productivity, and you in turn could let us have a small cut, but this time for our NOT reading of the republished article? Obviously payments would be limited to those who read the original article, but didn't read the republished version - as you can see, this has all been carefully thought through.
"When I ask friends and colleagues, they tell me “Sure, I’ve had some jobs through LinkedIn” before knitting their brows, looking at the ceiling and adding vaguely “I think it was a few years ago…”"
I've had job offers, but sometimes they're a bit random. Best was an offer of a 6-month contract in Barrow-in-Furness because I've worked on submarine cable systems in the past.
A post that finally made me want to contribute!
It turns out that if you've forgotton your password, one of the options for password resetting, is to have Facebook send a message to 3-5 of your friends, and then you can contact them directly and obtaining the links from those 3-5 friends lets you back into your account.
Unless, of course, you've got 3-5 'friends' that are fake profiles owned by a single malicious individual, who can then gain access to your account, by sending the reset links to them.
Caveat : To make this work, you have to pre-define who these 'trusted friends' are ahead of time and so we're not all at instant risk of being hacked by our false friends, but it's something to be aware of.
Helpful reading:
I'm not sure if $socialnetwork has the same unlocking methods, but you might want to review your friends lists.
This article definitely had me smiling. I'm an IT contractor and the number of recruitment consultants who cannot comprehend my not having a profile on Linkedin or any other social networking website is truly staggering.
I was once asked in an interview what I was trying to hide about my past, as my online footprint was very small for someone in my industry.
I got challenged about that an an interview as well.
I patiently explained that advertising to all and sundry that I have designed networks for banks would make my on-line life a lot more dangerous since my PC may have information tucked away in little nooks that could be considered 'confidential' so to speak :) He hadn't thought of that.
I must be getting old - I must have looked like a Daily Mail reader getting their breakfast fix of bigotry and hate reading that article. I agreed with almost every word.
My current bugbear is "news" sites (well, local news) where you *have* to sign in with Facebook to be able to comment on articles. It would be interesting to see if there's an objective measure of the quality of comments on such sites, when compared to the internet as a whole. I'd be curious on the IQ of a bunch of self-selecting commentards.
btw is it just me, or does Dabbsy look like an IT version of Will Self ?
(I will be very upset if I don't get a pithy reply. I may have to unfriend Mr. Dabbs ...)
An alternative approach on LinkedIn is to simply accept the connection request, but then endorsement bomb their profile.
For the uninitiated, on LinkedIn you can add an endorsement to someones profile to confirm that they have the skills they claim to have.
However you can also endorse them for skills they don't already have listed. I am not certain whether these still get publicly displayed without their consent but they did used to. This of course allows you to endorse someone as having skills in "Being a complete pillock" and any other negative skills of your choice.
You could do that with positive skills they don't have as well, with designs on finding the perfect set of buzzwords to cram into a 'skillset' that will leave them permanently fending off recruitment sharks and thus both getting a taste of their own medicine and having no time to continue spamming friend requests.
However you can also endorse them for skills they don't already have listed. I am not certain whether these still get publicly displayed without their consent but they did used to. This of course allows you to endorse someone as having skills in "Being a complete pillock" and any other negative skills of your choice.
Ooooh - perfect. Make a Friday even better, because now I know what I'll be doing over the weekend.. (evil grin)
Dear Mr Dabbs
I would like to connect you.
Based on your description of being "sweaty and shouty, slurring my jokes as I swirled my double JDs and leered into my conference colleagues’ faces", I think you would provide the perfect alibi for my public behaviour.
In return, I would be able to provide the same for you.
I look forward to your acceptance
Jack Daniels? Was there no whisky available? (sorry, couldnae resist!!)
Of course, after a couple few people appreciate the difference, but mine's a single malt whisky any time (Islay or Speyside, depending on my mood), but that may be my Scottish forebears whispering in my ears (or just random voices in my head, of course)
Fancy connecting over drinks, anyone? Loads more fun than LinkedIn
Gosh, I remember absentmindedly grabbing a glass of ice "water"and drinking from it while waiting for the beer when in New York couple of years ago. Boy.
Try Bud Light! Basically water, but it doesn't taste like chlorine like their "water" does.
PS where I'm from, they used to add chlorine to swimming pool waters way back when I was a kid.
Galaxy cafe in NY, it suddenly catapulted me into being like 8 years old, quite a trip.
I'm often of the opinion that if you've tried Scotch and not liked it, you simply haven't found the right one for you, the variety is extensive.
I personally find very peaty whisky hard to stomach.
Given your description of it giving you heartburn, may I suggest you try Balvenie Doublewood or Signature should the opportunity present itself, very light on the palette and may suit you better.
(Also stepping away from Scotch but still whisky is the Welsh whisky, Penderyn Madeira, also a pleasant tipple).
>I'm often of the opinion that if you've tried Scotch and not liked it, you simply
>haven't found the right one for you, the variety is extensive.
I discovered the English Whisky Company recently. They have an array of really quite nice whiskies (slightly elevated prices though!).
Chapter 7 whisky from EWC. True manna in a glass. Main issue is that it seems to evaporate from the glass really, really quickly!
. . . for joining such networks is to claim your favourite username. After that direct all mail to null and be bothered no more. After all, you never know what may be useful in the future.
My kids tell me facebook is dead already (they haven't quite reached Linkedin). Bit harsh maybe, but kids are fickle. Good job for the investors that another batch of innocent kids will be along in a minute.
"Good job for the investors that another batch of innocent kids will be along in a minute."
The younger ones only want to do what the older ones are doing. So they will not want to join Facebook once they perceive that is not the current fad. Judging by fashions and music - Facebook could probably be recycled again in about 30 years.
You missed the raft of morons who want to talk to you about a new role but are too stupid and/or mean to pay for the "InMail" feature so can't email you directly. The few that do it right I send back a polite but firm e-mail to encouraging them to read all the way to the end of my profile where it reads "go away".
Many people don't intend to send email bombs, but there's something they do on LinkedIn that makes mass emails go out from it.
LinkedIn does not respect people, but it doesn't have any content that I find important. That's why I'll never sign up for LinkedIn.
LinkedIn were sending me endless requests to various users at a domain I own which used to belong to a company. I asked them to stop and they said I'd have to take it up with the senders. I told them the mails are coming from LinkedIn so LinkedIn need to deal with this. They then said I could block the receiving address and gave me a link. I told them I have no idea what addresses have previously been engaged and so cannot block them pre-emptively and, besides, why is this my job?
I asked them to simply block the entire domain from receiving any more of their mails and they told me twice they cannot do this. They said if I have a list of addresses they will block them all. So I told them that the email format for this company was four letters @ domain (this is true), so can they please block aaaa@ ... zzzz@ and let me know once all 456,976 addresses have been blocked.
They replied a few days later to say they'd now blocked the domain.
You won't find me on the Internet (with my real name that is). This is by design.
Far too many people put far too much information about themselves on the internet.
There are also far too many Social Network Addicts out there.
One was evident a month or so back as I got on a flight to South America.
A family was travelling together. One son and a teenage daughter who really had it in for her parents when she found out that their flight wouldn't have mobile internet so she could keep in touch with her friends while they were on an 11 hour flight.
The father had a nice smile on his face when he said to me '11 hours of peace'.
Is this the way we really want our future to be shaped? Instant communication giving instant gratification even if the content of the communication is mostly utter garbage.
I prefer to remain AC thank you very much. There is a such a thing as too much communication. A few people need to remember the WWII saying, 'Careless Talk Costs Lives'.
You won't find me on the Internet (with my real name that is).
You could also try what a friend of mine did, which was to change his legal name every so often - it was hard work knowing what his current name was if I hadn't seen him for a while. He suddenly disappeared a couple of years ago, and is rumoured to have adopted a completely new identity in another country. He must have been getting *really* annoyed with those Facebook and LinkedIn emails I guess.
'You won't find me on the Internet (with my real name that is). This is by design.'
Similar story here, but with the proviso that you *can* find me in Google's index, but only by putting in a fairly specific set of search terms which anyone who knows me would (eventually) get.
I'm not very good at keeping in touch with people, so I leave them with at least a smallish chance of finding me via Google (page 14 of results for a wide search, page 2 for a fairly specific search), but as to the rest of humanity...fsck them.
I've a FB account in the name of a scatalogically sounding greek I only ever access that via Tor, good luck tracking it back to me that way, but again, as the name is a bit of an in joke, people who know me from when and where that particular joke was 'in' will know who it is nearly automatically, and yes, it's Billy's brother, Johnny no mates..
I've done my best to keep a very low profile online for the past couple of decades, the three usual monickers I use, well, one leads you to an eastern european radio ham (not by was the last password I used on the old DEC-20 and in the intervening decades that particular combination of alphanumerics has become someone's callsign..and he uses it quite a lot online, so more noise for my signal), the second to an obscure obsolete analog IC, and the third one, which used to be quite unique, has been adopted by quite a number of RPG nerd types out there, so there's quite a lot of noise covering what's left of my tiny online signal attached to that one (from the old days, pre FB and similar nonsense, pre WWW mainly, when talk monicker@machine.somewhere was the easiest way to contact me, I avoided IRC etc as well back then (as now) log files? I think not...).
My family are under strict instructions not to post anything about me or put any pictures featuring my handsome visage (hah) anywhere, unfortunately there are a number of pictures of me online which I have no control over, so there is an odd chance that someone *might* find me via a side channel that way.
I have to admit linkedin is a pain, I waste stupid amounts of time trying to find out who the person making me an invite is or if I should know them, without actually looking at their profile directly so they don't see me looking and think I may be interested in them. I want a generic f. off button on all social media.
IIRC you can set your profile such that when you visit someone else it just says "a linkedin member" viewed them. I think it requires you to be not searchable to enable this, plus I'm not sure how that plays with the paid premium membership that allows you to see everyone who viewed you, but it's a start...
I'm not sure how that plays with the paid premium membership that allows you to see everyone who viewed you
I assume that LinkedIn will sell anything if someone will give them money for it, so I assume the person paying will get to see the full details even if I (as the freetard) have asked LinkedIn not to.
So bored of getting messages from companies/people wanting to connect because they want to collaborate with us/me.
Receiving a collaboration request is always exciting - how do they want to work together? What will the project look like? They have a customer in mind already?
The reality is they are ALWAYS someone who is actually trying to sell. Why, why, oh why do people pretend to want to collaborate when they are trying to sell you their services.
Alistair - I like your articles. We have so much in common, can I be your friend? No seriously. I love this one - sums up so much of what I try to tell my kids but they are in their early 20s and late teens and I'm just a parent so what the heck do I know? I have a LinkedIn account that is probably 18 months out of date, fed up with anonymous invites and just bin them, don't do farcebook or twatter, get labeled a philistine and dinosaur but I'm - probably like you - one of those who remebers blissfully the days before the internet and the fun that was.
Excuse 5: I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
My experience with social media invites from technically-disinclined friends and relatives is they've unwittingly authorized the site to spam not just everyone in their address book, but everyone who's been CC'd by a 3rd party in any saved email, or any address in their sent folder.
As for business Twitter, it's useful for announcements in a less spammy way than email. Odds are clients don't visit a business website except when they want something. So information there is only ever seen by those who already have cash in hand or a complaint. Title of themed sale announcement/new product line/etc. + shortened URL if they want details should easily fit in 140 characters.
Lord yes, those endless and unstoppable LinkedIn emails!
a) Have a LinkedIn profile. May look at it once or twice a year to make sure nothing is significantly outdated. I don't know what actual use it's ever been to me, but as long as I keep unsubbing every time LinkedIn emails me it seems to be pretty low maintenance, and not likely to hurt me.
b) Have a Facebook page for our business, for sole purpose of providing an easy way to share pictures and videos of clients' dogs that we walk. Good for that, but not much else. We get business by word of mouth, not social media.
c) Deleted my whole personal Facebook account a year or so back and created a new one with a fake name and no details of any sort. Please don't tell Google or Facebook. Allowed me to silently lose about 100+ "Friends" who had already been blocked anyways, and invite a small handful of family and genuine "friends." Signal to Noise much improved!
d) No, I will not give you my cel phone number as a security measure.
e) And sure as hell NO!!!! I will NOT give you access to my e-mail contact list. By far the most evil thing ever invented.
f) Yelp? Seriously? Has anyone ever actually got business from them? Or trusted the reviews?
"Judge OKs Suit Against LinkedIn Over Marketing Emails...U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh said the professional networking site went too far by sending repeated emails that seemed to come from users..."
Interestingly, the mainstream US media are thus far almost completely silent on this :-)
Fairly decent article at:
Been smiling at that for a wee while, and been involved in some of the discussion on the LI forums about the email contact harvesting side of things.
Me, I'm pretty careful about being sure where I type in any password (although it is concieveable that I made a mistake at some time), and am absolutely certain I never gave LI my password at any point - had I seen a "use your google profile to sign in" I would've gone elsewhere. Call me paranoid but, well, I'm paranoid!.
Yet somehow LI was able to get and go through my email. I am wondering if I ever signed into both in the same browser session, with JS turned on for both (must've been one of my low-sanity days!). It was constantly suggesting people from my email contacts.
Checked both LI and Gmail settings as per all the forums/docs etc. Nothing anywhere to suggest I'd ever given LI permission to use my gmail contacts. After a change of gmail password, it stopped.
LI now only gets visited through a VM that sits behind Whonix (which I must update, haven't used it in a couple of months).
Oh, and I log in to gmail's webmail every time I see an email from LI and mark it as "spam" - hopefully if others start to do the same LI will be automatically blacklisted globally and will die out.
... surely I can't be the only one who thinks that of all the idiotic social networks out there, at least LinkedIn has (or had) some claim to utility, namely professional in kind.
I *have* gotten jobs through LinkedIn, as recruiters down here all use it quite intensively (and arguably make up the majority of my connections). My current one in fact: both through recruiters finding me and getting me interviews, as well as potential employers checking out your profile. One before that, too, come to think of it.
Otherwise my connections are old colleagues across the world who I stay in touch with through LI, as a don't use Farcebook or Twatter.
That said, I joined LI when it was still fewer than 100K people - now they're what? 280 million?! What used to be fairly qualified connection requests has turned into an endless stream of, it has to be said, Indians/Pakistanis/SriLankans randomly spamming you, desperately hoping to snag a job and a visa out of you.
Title says it all, this is as social as I get... I have no social website accounts. I guess I am part of this dark net that is being bandied about here on the Reg. I really have no time for much more, life and work seem to take most of my time, and happy for it!
I’d rather drink a beer than spend time on a social network, please join me!
This post has been deleted by its author
when you apply for a visa, the first thing they do to reject you is look you up online, .ı heard countless jerks being turned down with the same sentence "sorry we can't confirm information on your application via viable sources" meaning couldn't look you up on linkedin/facebook/gmail etc... get a account and a linked in profile with references from a few PHBs and voila 10 years visa4all....
PS. of course don't start mailing about jihad to ISIS before getting your visa
95% of the users are attention whores, mediocre recruiters and sales people. It might be a very moderate guesstimate actually. The forums there are best: So many utterly clueless people throwing questions and observations out there, just to be the top "influencers".
It's better to stay in touch with workmates, customers and other people that matter for work than, say, Facebook. But unless I know somebody in person or they include something very special in their contact request / InMail / whathaveyou... Ignore/delete works well.
I know it's the Reg, but can't you think of ANY constructive solution? I know it's the Reg, so I feel like I'm wasting the keystrokes, but maybe you want to be a hero and maybe the Reg has more credibility than I've noticed, so here's the obvious solution:
Users should have the option to post a 'greeting' message to people who want to have a link. Of course everyone might be a little different, but I can make it more clear with the concrete example of what mine would say (if only I could):
(1) If you are an old friend, then I'm interested in hearing what you've been up to. However, my memory isn't so great these days, so please include enough data to convince me you really are you. (2) If you have some legitimate reason to get in touch with me, make it EXTREMELY clear, but beware the next case. (3) If you are ANY kind of spammer and you are bothering me, then I will do everything I can to nuke your account and your business model and put you in jail, too.
Unfortunately, to make (3) really work, then the SMS in question would need to get sincere about fighting spammers, and so far I haven't noticed any SMS or even any email service that is so serious. The spammers' business models certainly are vulnerable, but "Live and let spam" is the basic model of the google of EVIL and all of their friends. (That's actually a different topic, but evidently no one has the guts to offer customer-pull advertising (auctioning off the customers' LIMITED time) as an option to advertiser-driven-push advertising.)
I used to think the way you do until the day I got it.
Really what you are saying is you do not know how to use these new facilities.
I will not be friending you or wasting my time telling you how you can exploit social media as I am busy and I always make sure I have a receptive audience.
If you want to email me I will give you an old fashioned thing called a telephone number and I can help you "get it".
The other part of your article deals mostly with the abuse and it is your settings that enable this.