Seriously, this is all due to the financial system being based on fraud.
There are lots of books on this, especially at Mises.org; basically the following is the case:
* we have a debt based currency, the government and economy are in a debt spiral, until loads of people go bankrupt or the currency dies, central bank 'printing' only delays this!
* we have have lenders fraudulently providing compounding interest loans, based on fraction reserve of debt(!) bonds and currency, and mostly nothing, so not an honest value for value exchange.
* all this fake money inflation pushes up the price of goods, so makes stuff less and less affordable for younger generations, because wages tend to lag these price increases, so more people have rent stuff.
* toxic waste like synthetic derivatives is just debt fraud on steroids to the n'th power!
People should also have a look at the book "Scarcity" by Sendhill Mullainathan & Eldar Sharif, to learn that people with scarcity can develop tunnel vision, so miss important stuff outside the tunnel and build an inflating debt spiral of currency, time, or other scare resources, and even come to a grinding halt e.g. bankruptcy or Divorce.