Re: 10 things to get stolen during the festival season
Indeed, mostly completely not needed at a festival.
The stove? A heat source can be good, but the price of this thing will buy a *lot* of disposable BBQs. True they won't charge gadgets, but you don't need that...
Device chargers? Why? A festival isn't a particularly safe place for expensive gadgetry. True a phone is handy to work out where friends are to meet up. However the old S40 Nokia out of the drawer will do that job just fine, won't get stolen, will probably survive being dropped in the mud and has a battery life that should last the entire festival (if you have doubts then take a spare charged battery). You don't need net access on the phone - if you find yourself wanting facebook you've gone with the wrong friends.
Video camera? Why? You've gone to a live music event. Why watch it through a screen. Enjoy it for what it is. A stills camera however can be handy for photos of your mates (if you've taken a truely ancient phone that doesn't have one) - again the battrery on this ought to get through the entire event.
Speakers? Why? See the above comment about being at a live music event. If you really want evening entertainment in the campsite then find someone who has taken an accoustic guitar.
Waterproof case? This one makes sense. Keeping stuff dry can be important, but not gadgets - the personal supply of loo roll for when the toilets have none is far more important. A cheap re-sealable plastic bag will suffice though, and may even be overkill if kept in the pocket of a proper waterproof jacket (the only even remotely expensive thing you should consider taking).
Lantern? Yes you'll need light, but personally I'd take something with a 2 or 3 D-cells in it (they'll run LEDs for ages) rather than having to faff with solar charging.
Icon? The only truely essential thing at a festival!