Facebook is down, and I wanted to post on Facebook that it was down. But I couldn't.
Facebook goes TITSUP across WORLD! Who will look at your cousin's baby NOW?
Images of Britain's breakfasts failed to make their way onto the internet this morning after Facebook collapsed, sending the interwebs into social media withdrawal. Anyone visiting Zuck's site was shown the following message: Distraught Facebookers resorted to social media methadone - or Twitter, as it's otherwise known - to …
Thursday 19th June 2014 21:35 GMT Alan W. Rateliff, II
I found this funny because of my customers. It is not uncommon for me to get a phone call late in the morning or early afternoon because a customer's email has not been working. Once the problem is resolved I then receive at least one email with the subject along the lines of "Email is not working."
Thursday 19th June 2014 10:13 GMT Anonymous Coward
Valley accent please
Shouldn't there be like, some kind of emergency service for this? The government should do something, I was like just posting this selfie and it like was not going, I don't know what i should do, should I call 911? I could do a selfie with me and the emergency facebook responders or something.
Hello? can anybody see me?