Re: Never going to work....
Bribery only applies to developing nations and countries with internalized commercial oversight mechanisms like UAE and Saudi Arabia. Otherwise, the post 9/11 world is just too difficult to travel around in with big bags of cash. Try it, declare 'One duffle bag of US currency' at the airport. Everybody gets excited if you've got more than $10k in cash on you, and that barely covers the hookers, cocaine and booze anymore. It's a sad statement about today's world when not bribing people costs taxpayers and shareholders considerably more than bribery would.
At any rate, this mess is just too EUey to solve with bribes. This is a high visibility role and will certainly bring the chosen person to the attention of leadership class bastions of unbiased compliance assurance and mediation resolution like the IMF, EX-IM, and UN. Other similarly prestigious, but lower profile, and higher paying, private organizations will also be actively seeking to recruit the Chosen One. As I'm sure you know, when top flight organizations are trying to recruit someone it's fairly common to introduce the prospect to some of their future clients and meetings like that always go better when they take place in neutral settings that appropriately reflect the financial and influential significance of everyone involved.
So there's no need for you to worry about the selected individual being bribed and completely nullifying this entire exercise.