In the dial-up era of the internet...
... the first ISP server in the country had a number quite like 0900-#000#000# That's ten digits after the 0900, most of them zeroes. The only other services that used that 0900 service back then were phone-sex, charging a few $currency PER MINUTE. The ISP was no different, it would charge the same amount, and you would feel screwed, likewise. Oh the irony that today we have free porn on the webs.
We were ecstatic when the bloody modem started dialing...dialing...dialing...busy. Hang-up. start over. dial...dial...dial... on a bloody pulse line. And you could see the AT commands on the modem interface, while negotiating host with the server. The login was straight in there, in the AT interface too, no dial-up authentication in Windows 3.x yet invented. God forbid if you miss-typed login or password, since the backspace on your keyboard meant something entirely different on the terminal.
I wonder if anybody had to dial that by hand, on a standard rotating dial, like the one in article.