Tired of HR
I always found HR to be embarassingly incompetent, petty power players, and did whatever I could to ignore them, as does everyone else.
And then my company failed, and I found myself looking for a job.
Now, I no longer find them funny, I find them evil. Truly evil.
No matter the moral or ethical damage that their fundamental arrogance and ignorance cause, they (and their ilk) are choking organisations, slowly, to death, and damaging the lives of millions (directly and indirectly I.e. Family).
That *all* positions, from specialist through manager, are decided by people who studied Sociology or Psychology, on purely superficial terms, is so fundamentally wrong. Strangely enough, they rate NLP or other "pseudo" crap higher than real experience.
While people earlier may not have loved their line managers, at least there existed the possibility that he or she, would know something about what the job entails or requires.
That hope is simply gone.
IT techs have certs, Managers have an MBA, White Wine for the ladies, Pints for the blokes. The Directors get the hottest PAs, marathon running qualifies for all management positions.
A simple, stupid and most of all STATIC system. Authoritarian, conformist, conservative. Inbred.
In the middle ages, your position in society decided what clothes, in which colours, you and your entire family were *permitted* to wear. Woe betide any "oiks" who tried to even dress differently or wore too fancy jewellery! This is what is coming back.
I know of companies where hiring, position and promotion are based solely on perceptions of looks, status and "attitude", never on competence, experience or ability. One after another, these companies are failing, but the "Cool! Brah" attitude remains.
I would despair, but I would like to eat.