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It would be great if you would stop linking to Twatter and instead provide the information in text with quotes.
Microsoft has 18 months left to use the Nokia brand name on its smartphones and mutant Androids, according to leaked notes prepared for internal marketing guidance. Microsoft bought Nokia's phones business in April. Ironically, Redmond can continue using the Nokia brand longest for the part of Nokia it bought but didn't really …
Assuming they're in a position to do so, I reckon Lumia-as-brand as opposed to Lumia-as-model is a good option. It's gained decent traction, primarily because they're genuinely good handsets, the ongoing relative paucity of apps notwithstanding.
Nobody's heart races faster when you say 'Windows' phone but spin the whole shooting match off, brand name, platform, hardware and all and Microsoft will likely have a brand people (especially here in Europe) will buy.
Still, it's bizarre that they bought the handset business without rights to the Nokia brand in perpetuity.
Yep, like how MS pretty much killed off the Nokia & the Lumia 710, 800, 900 Series by launching them with a 'stepping stone OS', that anyone with any knowledge of Window NT Kernel, knew wouldn't get an upgrade to WP8, rumours spread and for 6 months between March 2012 and October 2012, pretty much killed sales of Nokia phones. A pretty seemless f.tuck up to me.
I was sent what I guess was a feature phone about 18 months ago. It took me two days, (on one of which I was having spinal surgery) to find out that it featured nothing of use to me. It has not been switched on since. I still use the 8 year old handset that has no 'features' like meaningless web links or other valueless propositions.
The winphone might be useful to some and good luck to them. They can be happy what with the winphone, Apple 'thing' and the Android items they are spoiled for choice. Sadly, those devices may be SMART or feature but they lack function for me; anyone know how to build good replacement lithium batteries for functional phones?.
"Almost everything has been rewritten since then, although the transition was so well executed that nobody noticed."
No, there WAS nobody to notice. The transition could have been excellent, it could have been appalling. If a mime is squashed by a tree and there is nobody to laugh, did it ever really happen?
Okay, I've got mild sunstroke but after reading the article one thing is not clear. I thought from the coverage a few months ago MS had 10 years to use the Nokia name for phones. Did this change in the final deal or is it an internal strategy decision?
BTW BB10 has a good level of support for social platforms. It can get alerts and make posts without opening apps though I am guessing the OS is leveraging the apps to do so. Does this make it be platform that best integrates socal platforms?
I will happily have a smartphone that doesn't think it's there to waste time and bandwidth on Twitbook. It pisses me off no end that my existing Android phone is stuffed with this unremovable crap, (which keeps wanting to update itself).
It's not the loading the crap onto the devices that winds me up. It's that they make it unremovable. It's my bloody phone. No commercial company has any right to squat on my property without my agreement.
It's like McD giving themselves the right to put a burger stand in my front garden.
Yep, invaildates warranty. However, a rooted phone can normally be brought back to its original state, so hard to prove you've rooted it.
Main problem with the stuff is that they are very different levels of complexity. Some phones can be unrooted with one-click solution, others need much more work. Find your phone+provider on the net, for most flavors you get tons of how-to's. Take your time to read them - it pays out!
who has rooted a Galaxy 2S with T-Mobile Branding and 2.3 Kernel (I'd claim it doesn't get harder).
Warning: thread drift
Root that POS and delete that crap! I cleaned mine within the first 3 months of buying it and it was the first smart phone I've ever owned!
It's the same reason I run ad/malware/tracking/beacon blockers when surfing. Stop wasting MY bandwidth you fucking thieves and keep your goddamn nose out of MY personal business!
Definitely feels like Nokia is missing a trick (and probably quite a bit of cash) by not making Here Maps available for iOS and Android. It obviously wouldn't be free, but maybe a fiver for the app and one map pack and then a pound or so for additional maps would be a reasonable amount. It's certainly something I would pay for.
I have a Lumia 800 and what I like about it is nothing is running until I start it specifically. Which means the battery lasts for at least 3 days between charges. The browser strips annoying adverts by default for whatever reason.
(Compare this to my Android tablet where there is no way to stop a Google Play Services update which basically kills the battery. Anything greater than 3.2 is totally broken).
So ... the Windows Phone that nobody wants, branded Nokia, will become the Windows Phone nobody wants, branded Microsoft. Nothing really changes here. Android still rules the roost, Apple still rakes in the megabucks, Microsoft still has a phone nobody wants, and a desktop that's been bastardized to look like the phone nobody wants.
Face it Satya, you've got a losing product that will continue to lose. The sooner you abandon it and start producing top-shelf applications for Android and iOS, the sooner you'll be able to start recording "mobile revenue" that comes from something other than patent extortion.
My HTC Desire HD died a couple of weeks ago. I needed another phone fast - picked up a Lumia 630 with WP8.1 for £110 SIM-free last weekend.
Admittedly it is early days yet, but it is a superb phone and OS for the money. The App Store is a wasteland, but it comes with the bits and pieces I actually use (apart from a free version of 2048). It is going to fail, but it will do so in style.
"So ... the Windows Phone that nobody wants"
I'll hazard a guess that you've never spent any time with one, and don't have an industrial hydraulic opener powerful enough to open your mind enough to even try. Their overall market share may not be spectacular, but WP phones are gaining market share when pretty much no other platform is and look likely to continue doing so
"Nope. They have ten years left. Possibly they will choose to stop using it sooner, but Nokia themselves said last year:"
Bloody Hell. Read The Fine Article. Nobody is saying Microsoft can't use the Nokia brand. To quote your own quote: "Microsoft has 18 months left to use the Nokia brand name on its smartphones and mutant Androids"