Back to the Future
This isn't my area of expertise, but this looks more like a modernization of Big Iron implementations from before the rise of the Wintel server than a "burgeoning technology."
I've always blamed Microsoft for this whole virtualization thing. As I remember, it went something like this:
Here, use our new Windows Servers. They can do everything those big machines do for a fraction of the cost!
Whoops! One bad application can bluescreen a server, taking all applications on it down. We better only put one application on a server to protect ourselves.
Wow, our servers are severely underutilized!
Hey, here's an idea: How about we create "virtual machines," so each application thinks it's alone, but it's actually sharing resources. We'll need a new OS to handle all that.
So, we end up with a much more complex datacenter environment than we would have had if Microsoft had paid attention to the big boys (at the time) in the first place.
Oh, and Microsoft gets to sell more server licenses.