Some of us have been doing this with BSD ...
... for almost four decades (c.f. PDP kit, for a start).
But then the newbies aren't exactly sysadmins, are they?
Linux container specialist Docker has launched two initiatives to provide services and quality assurance around its eponymous packaged software tech. The schemes were announced at the company's inaugural DockerCon conference in San Francisco on Monday and aim to make Docker not only the chief code contributor to the Linux …
Long? I didn't realize there was a limit ... I guess you prefer 180 characters.
Extensive? So I know some stuff and try to educate folks. That's an issue?
Patronising? Is it really patronising when pointing out the obvious?
Repetitive? Show me where I have repeated myself in any one thread.
Sarah Bee used to accuse me of tilting at windmills. She was probably right.
During the meanwhile, care to enlighten the rest of us as to how BSD didn't use the same concept as the "Linux container" fad around forty years ago on hardware that supported the MMU and LPAR concepts?
"Long? I didn't realize there was a limit ... I guess you prefer 180 characters."
Actually, I was referring to the fact that you've been posting the same old crap here for years.
"Patronising? Is it really patronising when pointing out the obvious?"
Perhaps you should look up the meaning of the word, and thus further your already extensive education. That was me being patronising, by the way. Just in case that wasn't obvious to you.
"So I know some stuff."
Me too. The difference is I'm pretty clear on the things I do and don't know. You on the other hand rarely know as much as you evidently imagine you do.
"Repetitive? Show me where I have repeated myself in any one thread."
One thread? I was thinking of several thousand. Have a little retrospective of your thousands of similarly inane and condescending posts packed with your stock catchphrases, then 'do the math', or 'come back and report'; 'YMMV'. 'HTH HAND'. That was me being patronising again by the way. Just thought I'd provide you with a further little education, so that you might recognise when you're being patronising to other people.
"During the meanwhile, care to enlighten the rest of us as to how BSD didn't use the same concept as the "Linux container" fad around forty years ago on hardware that supported the MMU and LPAR concepts?"
Perhaps you should have read the article header, where you would have learned that the article is not about containers but about Docker, used to package applications for deployment into LXC containers.
Yes, you were being patronised again. Or was it just 'pointing out the obvious'?
I'm happy you have a belief system. Enjoy.
Unfortunately, from my perspective, your system is seriously confused.
Do try to read for content. It'll do you a world of good.
We were packaging BSD OS tarballs for deployment into unformatted logical partitions on PDP kit nearly forty years ago, followed by unrolling tarballs into the newly booted OS+filesystem. It's not new technology.
As a side-note, one wonders why you admit to have read through my "thousands of posts" when you don't think I have anything to say.
<SNIP>Irrelevant ramblings removed</SNIP>
"Do try to read for content. It'll do you a world of good."
Excellent advice you would do well to follow, every and any time you read an article.
"We were packaging BSD OS tarballs for deployment into unformatted logical partitions on PDP kit nearly forty years ago, followed by unrolling tarballs into the newly booted OS+filesystem. It's not new technology."
And... you've forgotten that advice after one sentence.
"As a side-note, one wonders why you admit to have read through my "thousands of posts" when you don't think I have anything to say."
Actually I confirmed my suspicion of the sheer scale of your usage of the same stock phrases from my own interaction with you and a one-line perl script, but if it flatters your ego, feel free to believe that. Oh, and I do find your posts interesting; from a psychological perspective they are fascinating