Imagine ...
"... I deeply apologize to those who were offended by the sight of artificial human penises."
... how they'd feel if they saw a real one.
The inventor of a "powerfully realistic electronic male pleasure machine" has hailed the “outpouring of support” for his robo-orifice after raising a whopping $250k down at Indiegogo. With the backing of over 2,000 chaps, Brian Sloan has shot past his original $45,000 goal and is now poised to deliver worldwide relief via the …
A few years back I worked with a woman that was really into AI and machine learning; her partner was a neurologist. She built an AI that would take data from various skin sensors (Salinity, blood flow, temperature), an EEG, and an EKG machine. The AI would then take this input and use it to control toys attached to robotic arms to stimulate nerve clusters in specific ways that would produce the best experience base on feedback from the sensors.
Last I heard, she was trying to get funding to reduce equipment needed, especially trying to get it so it was no longer a tangled web of cables and taking less than an hour to get hooked in.
A few years back I worked with a woman that was really into AI and machine learning
There is one very evil input she can take: strain gages. Just before the moment it's all about certain muscles change tension - abort and restart at that point..
(she's not the first with that idea, but a full AI is likely to significantly improve on the concept).
Finally; a genuine use for all that Yahoo IM traffic which the NSA recorded...
("In one six-month period in 2008 alone, the agency collected webcam imagery – including substantial quantities of sexually explicit communications – from more than 1.8 million Yahoo user accounts globally"
He said: "Our whole team is super happy to know that soon, tens of thousands of men will having more realistic masturbatory experiences."
First off, that is a very bizarre thing to be "super happy" about.
Second, what pray tell would be considered an unrealistic masturbatory experience?
an industrial-strength motor "rated to last over 500 hours, or about 1500 solo experiences".
So about 3 years worth for me now or about a month and a half for my 16 year old self.