The Real Bots
And who are the real 'bots' in this case, why the human bots of course, the ones who click on each and every link, attachment or pop-up that makes itself present on their screens and in their emails. What more robotic mind-set analogy is there.
This is now must-have 'IT' news because otherwise 'Tech' news is sooo boring, full of server thingies and PCIe storage arrays and all that nonsense. No, we demand 'IT' news that alerts us to the fact that we must be alert to such 'IT' news so that we can carry on regardless, but wow what a story, did you read that, two weeks!
If anything pops-up or arrives in your mail box that is too good to be true, then, well you know what they say. And if you are worried that its an official email and you simply must respond to it, within seconds, or you might look like a dork and miss out on something, then think again. Think again for maybe 20 seconds or more; was I expecting this email?, why is it here if I wasn't expecting it?, if I'm not sure about it then would it matter if I deleted it? - go ahead and delete it!
The interwebs are full to bursting with tricks and traps, both malicious and generally harmless, that rely on good old human psychology to do the work for them. But if you suggest a computer/internet driving license, then it all makes it sound and seem so terrible and difficult a place to be and would scare folk away from all that merchandising and selling potential, and we can't have that can we.
There is a divide, between the human brain (with its complex responses/reactions) and the machine (electronic computer), which so unfalteringly passes current/data across intricate circuits whenever you instruct it to or click/press something. The two are not so very dissimilar, but one of them is utterly dispassionate and rational, the other gets all emotional – can you tell which is which dear reader.
The interweb is not an entirely difficult and terrible place to be, but it is populated and directed by humans (remember that), some of which are difficult and terrible people. In all likeylhood there are humans outside your office or house right now who would consider stealing your car or shoulder-surfing your pin number next time you use a dodgy ATM. Guess what - there are humans just like that behind machines called computers which are connected to the same fluffy-bunny internet as YOU!
I know, I know, I'm preaching to the converted here, but I just don't understand why the media can't just pump out a similar message, are they scared they will scare people.