Has already announced they'll be porting their keyboard to iOS.
Between that and larger models, it would answer the objections of some of those who choose Android over iOS for non-religious reasons.
For its latest software development kit (SDK) for the forthcoming iOS 8, Apple has adjusted the platform's sandbox security model to allow apps to provide services to other apps running on the same device for the first time. "This release is the biggest release since the launch of the App Store," Apple CEO Tim Cook said during …
Uh, swiftkey - I've tried using it, but it seems that it can't handle multiple languages properly. I've just typed this in swiftkey and while my keyboard is set to English it insists upon correcting in German. Likewise when writing in German with the Swiss German keyboard activated it often provides corrections in English.
These developers should bloody well get the idea that not all of us are language locked.
I'm pretty sure the Swype-style keyboard shown in the app was Swype branded.
Also don't hold your breath for answering objections; even putting the crazies aside, once someone is invested in a particular platform they can usually find reasons not to switch even if they're doing so only quietly and for their own benefit, and not to win arguments against internet twelve-year olds.
Surely this is just what Android Intents do (although a bit more limiting) and has allowed since the beginning.
All Android Apps can publish certain intents and this allows any mapping application to service any location request or allow an app to use another app to process its data.
Maybe it is. And if its a good idea, which it seems to be, there's no reason that Apple shouldn't also do it.
Apple dont have a monopoly on good ideas, it seems with this release they've realized that and are taking some good stuff from other sources, for example the spellchecker with multiple suggestions, the like of which is on my wife's Sammy and is much better than Apple's fascistic one.
I've been considering ditching my IPad for an Android tablet since I started using LastPass, the integration it has with Android on my Nexus5 is fantastic and makes it really easy to finally keep good (better) password security. Having to switch apps and copy and paste the passwords on the IPad is a drag.
If Swype or similar are going to produce something for the iPad I can use rather than that god awful keyboard then that'll be a big improvement. It's not enough to keep me, but if LastPass can use these new API to provide the same kind of autof-ill they have on Android then that would probably be enough to stop me jumping ship. At least for now.
Erm, all of that stuff existed in other places *before* Android was even bought by Google.
Are we to live in a world where an advancement from one company cannot be added to anyone else's products?
Good luck getting that idea to fly, because you can't put any wings on it as they've been used by someone else.