A great man
Such a shame he died young, but good to see some of his stuff is coming out from the metaphorical locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'.
An example of his mind is in the El Reg article when he died in 2001:
"What we are now focussed on at h2g2 is what happens when people start to share information while they are on the move. Soon we will start to see devices arriving that combine palmtop computers with cellphones with Internet devices with GPS systems. That - in a phrase we hear over and over again when people talk about the Internet - will change everything. You'll be able to read and write to the Guide wherever you are: at the station, in the plane, on a park bench, in your car (pulled over to the side of the road with the handbrake on, of course) in a café. And when you write in something as simple as 'The coffee here is lousy!' the Guide will know exactly what to do with that information and where to put it. And if you see, a few seconds later, a note which says 'Yes, but the cheesecake is good' it might be worth looking round the other tables to see who you've just made contact with."
See, basically he invented the iPhone and Facebook!
Just a shame there were not actually invented by him and he had lived, I bet they would have been a whole lot less shitty to the end user's respect.