Exactly the same scenario for Marine Le Penn, the French far right winger.
The extreme right wingers do not have to worry about being PC or about using the usual humdrum media tactics, as a consequence they are now gaining large percentages of the available votes, why : they speak and make themselves understood to people , which many of todays politicians have forgotten . The extreme right wingers have also tamed down a bit in recent years and some of them, like Marine Le Penn, actually have some reasonable ideas, please note the word "some" and not "all".
When the mainstream politicians have nothing left to offer is anyone really surprised to see the pendulum swinging futher and further out.
Contemporary politicians don't really belong to the moderate right or moderate left sympathies, they simply belong to "he who pays". I would safely presume that most politicians would be happy to change to opposing parties/cabinets/idealogies for the no other reason that being able to remain with a cushy job for which you can't get punished for doing wrong.
The current political methods have had their day, it's time to move on and start afresh. ( Although usually that means war).