It is meant to be this way
Having worked on many of these projects in the past, in the UK, I came to the following inescapable conclusions;
No team, or individuals can hope to this incompetent or intransigent by accident. This is the ulterior goal of the project. The entire process is to maximise the distribution of tax-payer cash (present or future) to politicians and their crony friends as is possible.
Stage 1; Define the project and allocate a budget 100 to 1000 times larger than that required for a similar private sector budget.
Stage 2: Give the top jobs to cronies and the plump contracts to outfits run by cronies. Make sure that the contracts are so vague that all the contractors need do is hold meetings and produce reports for the duration.
Stage 3: The long burn - burn through 70% of the budget doing absolutely nothing tangible.
Stage 4: Have a review and replace the head of the project. Possibly one or more contractors as well. (After all, there are many greedy crony friends who will happily indulge in mutual back scratching.)
Stage 5: The short burn - burn through the 20% of the budget.
Stage 6: Have a review, admit failings, 'lessons learned' and replace the head of the project. Announce budget overrun and allocate a further 50% extra budget.
Stage 7: repeat above but with a 50% shorter 'long burn'.
Stage 8: Replace Chief and main contractor who will valiantly attempt to bring in the project with insufficient funds, low moral and limited timescale. They may succeed but more likely the architecture will be "unfit for purpose."
Stage 9: Repeat entire process after election identically except for different cronies.
No wonder Putin's friends like the place so much.