What's with all the Xen is obsolete talk I hear?
Honestly, is it a VMWare world?
HP has admitted that the networking component of OpenStack sucks, and that the community needs to have a serious think about how to develop it in the future. The enterprise IT company's chief operating officer for cloud, Saar Gillai, told El Reg on Tuesday that the reason why OpenStack's "Neutron" system has had so many …
I suppose you haven't heard of kvm and hyper v. Xen has been obsolete for years even citrix admits it. Props to them for acknowledging the fact. But if your really strapped for cash it can work. Thats how citrix pitches it. Just technically it is obsolete compared to vmware anyway.
If you really need to emulate an entire system, then KVM is your best option. VMWare is difficult to configure, requiring a Windows machine last time I checked (which is also why we don't use it at the company I work for).
For most things, though, we use LXC, basically a glorified chroot, so some things are just a tad different, but it's very fast having almost zero overhead.
"Unless I missed your point, VMWare runs fine under linux and has done for many a year"
A native client is not available. The web interface includes "includes a subset of the functions available in the vSphere Client"
To be fair, the web client does also have some of functions not available in the J# client, meaning it's a total pain in the balls for anyone administering a VMware environment and using all features. Woe betide the person foolish enough to upgrade their machines to version 10 in 5.5 then find the J# client suddenly becomes useless for any machine changes.
Not to mention the web client pretty much exclusively uses flash meaning it's slow and generally a bit crap.
I'm not really a Linux/*nix/*nix-like guy but I was under the impression that there were other better mechanisms available to achieve most aims of virtualisation for Windows? Partitions? Zones in Solaris? Something like that.
vCenter 6.0 really needs some kind of HTML5 interface
What, vendor benchmarks show vendor assets perform better?
It also depends if your VMs are started. I was at a clients Monday, a Hyper-V host needed a reboot, the locally hosted VMs were set to suspend, when the server finished rebooting only a minority of the VMs were back running. Typical MS Windows shite, you can't rely on it _to do the same thing twice_.
"the networking component of OpenStack sucks"
It all sucks. You need to invest hundreds of hours to get a fully working / automated stack. This is really only suitable for massive service providers than can put up with the vast maintenance overhead versus the no licensing costs.
It's not that bad if you disregard Neutron. Admittedly i've had some practise, but last time it took me only a couple of days effort to set up an HA stack from metal.
Neutron then proceeded to take me weeks of dicking about to get right for what the customer wanted.