those without broadband must ... be the priority for NBN Co
"...that commitment seems like it has repeatedly been watered down."
It's pretty much homeopathic by now.
One of Australian communications minister Malcolm Turnbull's main selling points for his faster-and-cheaper-to-build national broadband network (NBN) plan was that it would ensure the billions of dollars being spent are first directed at those parts of the nation that don't have access to broadband. Addressing blackspots, he's …
Living in a black spot we would be much better off if the NBN was simply closed down. We should be able to pay cash up front to have our services added to whoever is prepared to lay cable etc. for a fee. That way we would at least get something. If a few of the billions wasted was directed to those that have no internet then all the better. As it is nothing will happen for many, many years to come.
My wife sent an email to her sister in mid west NSW, it returned undeliverable. When we seen her last week it turns out the satellite is full and she was turffed off.
ADSL? Too far from the switchboard. Copper wire also crap.
NBN? 18 months if your lucky. "We will email you with a solution soon" HOW? "oh, you don't have internet access do you you". no you idiot.
With 38,000 klms of Fibre installed for the Backbone, 90 of the 121 POI's installed and operational the NBN has achieved quite alot since the signing of the agreement with Telstra not that long ago. So any claim that it is only 3% complete is just BS. Given that in order to get decent income you need to provide all speed tiers at all end points as you don't know who will want what speed and they may well move. The LNP's Fraudband just can't make much income with only offering maybe up to 25 mbps with no quality of service, no upload speed to talk of. Let alone the maintenance nightmare of maintaining five different technologies. The power for all these node cabinets, 60,000 at 5kw/h is over $8Billion a decade just for the 30% on FttN + ?? for HFC and FttH node cabinets will use hmmm Zip power per decade.