Not ageist at all but...
...was there any reason for headlining Berruyer's unremarkable age ? And then opening the article with his equally humdrum 17 years of service ? Just askin'
Seventeen-year company veteran and CEO Guy Berruyer has signalled his intent to hang up his boots from the end of March next year or sooner if a replacement in found beforehand. The man went public on his exit plan at the half-way point of the accountancy software developer's fiscal '14 numbers, that showed a near five per …
Database? It's bloody text files for most people. The MSSQL version is horrifically expensive for small firms.
Shit system and I'm looking forward to binning it soon along with ACT. I have wasted so much time trying to fix concurrent access to Line 50 (?), invariably disabling virus scanning on its files.