Brilliant stuff
Great read over breakfast
Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) team member Dave Akerman confirmed his status as one of the UK's go-to guys* for high-altitude ballooning (HAB) launches when he popped up on Channel 4 last week in Heston Blumenthal's Great British Food series. Dave Akerman and Heston Blumenthal The celebrity food-botherer wanted …
Does a ham&lettuce sandwich have the ham and the lettuce on the outside? No, they are in the middle. So a Dave&Heston sandwich would have the Dave and the Heston in the middle.
I won't ask you what a cheese&onion sandwich would be like as I suspect you'd prefer just cheese.
"Does a ham&lettuce sandwich have the ham and the lettuce on the outside? No, they are in the middle. So a Dave&Heston sandwich would have the Dave and the Heston in the middle."
Whereas a wholegrain, ham, and lettuce sandwich has the wholegrain bread where exactly?
Sometimes the type of bread is mentioned too. Before or after the filling. Or in this case, both.
Just can't get quality pedants these days. Even in a sandwich.
Mines the one with a pitta pocket.
Some of my Quebecois acquaintances enjoy various dishes that feature pig-bollocks, apparently they are tasty but I couldn't find them on the menu in Montreal, although there were a hell of a lot of very tasty menus to go through in Montreal - so perhaps I missed them. :P
My dad was brought up on boiled brains, and sheep's testicles were quite a treat...can't get them nowadays for many reasons. Offal though needs to become acceptable again (although up here is Scotland it's hard to find as it's used for haggis)
I've eaten stir-fried locusts (delicious - pork scratchings with legs) and a few other invertebrates - and why not, they're just landbound shrimps!
We seriously need to change our attitude to oddities, and possibly explain to kosher/halal enthusiasts that it's a bit outmoded now that we're no longer nomadic, and we do have fridges.