Re: Not sure if anyone else has ever asked this …
I'm not very good with dictionaries unless they have pictures, but to my simple mind, although it is possible for, say, NASA to launch a vehicle into orbit, if I tried I would run out of money very quickly, and there is no way I could raise sufficient money or other support to do it. So for me it would not be possible.
Knieriemen is using the word in the sense in which I am, that is to say, possibility in a given set of circumstances. Irony deficient is using the word in the sense of possibility in a different set of circumstances which happen not to coincide with reality.
[edit - I note that at least one dictionary gives feasible and possible as synonyms. As T S Eliot notes, "Words strain, Crack and sometimes break, under the burden, Under the tension, slip, slide, perish, Decay with imprecision"]
So I am with Knieriemen on this. I have a bad cold and I am sense of humour deficient.