back to article The quid-a-day nosh challenge: Anyone fancy this fungus I found?

The sun has risen on day three of the El Reg Quid-a-Day Nosh Posse's Live Below the Line challenge, and the team's in generally good shape. I say generally, because we've haven't heard from Toby Sibley since Monday, when he expressed concern that he simply didn't have enough calories stockpiled to make it through the week. We …


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  1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge


    Given your diet this week, it wouldn't be bacon in particular I was craving. It would have to be potatoes and fresh veg. There are plenty of things I can go without for quite a while before I start pining for them, even bacon or beer. But eggs, cheese, nice bread and particularly tatties are too nice for that.

    I don't think I could survive the Atkins diet...

  2. Roger Greenwood

    You have worn me down

    I sent a payment. Now get back to rocket science please.

    1. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

      Re: You have worn me down

      Trust me, I am simultaneously working on rocket science and foraging. I bet Wernher von Braun never managed to get further than NASA's "Expat German Rocketeers Canteen" to pick up a bratwurst bun and sauerkraut.

  3. Elmer Phud


    Yesterday I went foraging in the fridge - an infinity pocket for other peoples after-pub leftovers

    I came up with a selection of plastic containers of unknown date as weekends can get a bit hazy.

    So far I've survived but there are some really big prawns . . .

    The culinary question though, is should cold pizza be reheated as it might it lose that unique flavour?

    1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

      Re: Foraging

      should cold pizza be reheated

      Depends, do you have a deep-fryer?

    2. Psyx

      Re: Foraging

      Never reheat cold pizza. It spoils it.

      Although dipping it in reheated curry sauce is perfectly legit.

    3. Evil Auditor Silver badge

      "So far I've survived but there are some really big prawns"

      Are the prawns starting to attack?!

    4. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

      Re: other peoples after-pub leftovers

      Are you sure stealing food from other people is really in the spirit of this thing?

      1. Ralph B

        Re: other peoples after-pub leftovers

        > Are you sure stealing food from other people is really in the spirit of this thing?

        Exactly what I was thinking. They'll be shoplifting next.

        1. MrT

          Re: other peoples after-pub leftovers

          I'm sure that there is a way to channel company expense account funds into Vodafone (double Dutch with an Irish twist and a side of Bahama bananas) and then to staff handsets to pay for a 20oz steak, rare with trimmings, so they can take one bite and leave the rest ;-)

    5. Martin Budden Silver badge

      Re: Foraging

      there are some really big prawns . . .


  4. Henry Minute

    Anyone fancy this fungus I found?

    Now that the weather here in Blighty seems to be warming up I have taken the bold step of discarding my winter long johns.

    Cast ne'er a clout till May is out. Ha! I laugh in the face of your aphorisms mother.

    Coincident to this casting off of clouts, I too have found a fungus. I only regret that I am not near enough to enable you to share in this bounty.

    1. Elmer Phud

      Re: Anyone fancy this fungus I found?

      The May blossom is out - but don't put the long johns away just yet.

      1. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

        Re: The May blossom is out

        Where? You must be a long way south.

        1. Nigel 11

          Re: The May blossom is out @Captain Hogwash

          For me, all along the Thames footpath at Richmond (SW London), last Saturday. Is this a long way South from you?

          The horse chestnut trees are also all in blossom, which I think is even more advanced than the May in April.

          1. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

            Re: The May blossom is out @Captain Hogwash

            I'm in Gloucestershire. Horse chestnuts in full pomp but no may blossom yet. This is typical for the time of year at this location. Are you sure it's may (hawthorn) blossom?

    2. Evil Auditor Silver badge

      Re: Anyone fancy this fungus I found?

      Occasionally (and unfortunately) I get some phallus impudicus* in my garden. The immature ones are, allegedly, edible. I shall never try. Not as long as I can afford other food stuff.

      *Yes, the name says what it is. Look it up, it's Almost NSFW.

      1. Henry Minute

        Re: Anyone fancy this fungus I found?

        "thrusting themselves up to heights of nearly 10 inches in a matter of hours!"

        10" in hours!

        Not at my age I can't

    3. Irony Deficient

      Re: Coincident to this casting off of clouts, I too have found a fungus.

      Henry Minute, fortunately we live in an age where topical medications can ameliorate such conditions.

  5. Billa Bong

    Eat what you find...

    Someone near where I live is a forager... He's regularly seen walking round the village with a bag and determined expression. I'm not kidding when I say his kids begged him to stop serving rabbit for dinner (which are regularly found on the roads around). Be warned, Lester... that could be you...

  6. fLaMePrOoF

    I have to recommend instant noodles and cup-a-soup:

    Buy the cheapest noodles from any supermarkets (Asda I believe sell them for about 20p per packet) along with some cheap cup-a-soups of your preferred flavours.

    Add a soup sachet to the noodles, cover with boiling water and microwave for a couple of minutes.

    Provides a quick, easy and relatively tasty & filling meal for around 50p

    1. sabroni Silver badge

      Try the chinese supermarket if you can..

      .. I use Wai Yee Hong's in Bristol (near Ikea) and they do packet noodles for 25p but with powdered seasoning, separate chilli sachet, sachet of soy sauce, little sachet of dried onions and a sachet of flavouring oil. Loads more flavoursome than Adsa ones and lots more flavours to choose from.

      Does the recipe above (noodles in cup-a-soup) remind anyone else of the lifestyle recipe tips from Lee and Herring's Fist of Fun?

      1. Psyx

        Re: Try the chinese supermarket if you can..

        I recommend throwing in some frozen peas and prawns, too.

    2. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      Thereby starving to death...

      265 Calories from the noodles

      92 Calories from the soup

      So about 15% of the daily requirement...

      1. Tim Elphick

        So about 15% of the daily requirement...

        You know, I think you might be onto something there.

      2. Psyx

        So about 15% of the daily requirement...

        Or about half of it, if you live in North Korea, tragically.

  7. Evil Auditor Silver badge

    Merchant Banker vs. donation

    Blimey, should have watched that sketch before! Silly me.

  8. Cliff

    Puff Ball - make it nice

    Fry it in some garlic butter in half-inch steaks...yummm

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Burn your body fat and find some protein

    Stop eating carbs and tip your body into ketosis as quickly as you can. You more than likely have a few pounds of fat you could spare, and your hunger should fade once you start using it for energy. Devote your money to finding protein sources - carton of 24 battery eggs is pretty cheap, and perhaps a butcher will do you a deal at the end of the day on some stewing meat he'd otherwise have to toss.

  10. Johnny Canuck


    Do you have a source of fiddleheads nearby. Its about the season for them here in southern Ontario.

  11. BlueGreen

    dunno if this helps

    "The classic foraging guide to over 200 types of food that can be gathered and picked in the wild, Food for Free returns in its 40th year as a sumptuous, beautifully illustrated and fully updated anniversary edition".

    Should cover stuff in your corner of the world.

    By the biblio-botanically prolific and well cool Richard Mabey (his Flora Brittanica rocks, if you like that kind of thing)

  12. All names Taken
    Paris Hilton

    ah good¿

    I'm glad this article was writ partly because the theme of a "quid a day" might be better realised as asset management.

    For example getting a fresh perch, pike, troot or even salmon in some parts of UK costs mere time and in other parts costs a lot of dosh - it depends on local assets and whether the salmon nets broke last night.

    Same with vegetables or herbs. At the moment in this garden there are armloads of fresh rosemary, sage, thymes, chives, oregano, ... that would cost much dosh for similar quality were a delicatessen nearby.


    Sweat off some onions in olive oil (add wild garlic or garlic if you want but add it later so it does not scorch)

    Add some slivers of chorizo or other meaty sosij

    Heat up tinned baked beans in microwave and add to the onions/chorizo

    Heat up tinned tomatoes in microwave and add to beans/onions/chorizo

    Scrounge some nice non-supermarket bread and make the cooked stuff last for 2 meals

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    ya gotta do this "celebrity style"

    like all those hollywood types trying to "raise awareness" by "living" in some poor village for a week, or somebody trying to sell their "save money on food/power/gasoline/etc" system...

    First, spend a whole lot of money buying enough land or supplies. Buy an expensive solar installation, get your job to allow telecommute for two weeks, whatever angle you're into.

    Then start a garden, charge your batteries, stock away your supplies in your TV crew caravan. Then, for the purposes of the "experiment", start the cost counter at zero.

    then live off of your "inexpensive" and "free" food or spend nothing on supplies. Claim "Great Success!" or "Mission Accomplished!" before supplies run out. And bask in the glory that you "spent nothing" (this week) on gas or electricity, and "survived" in a poor village before running back to your high roller expensive consumption lifestyle.

    But actually starting from scratch without undeclared upfront preparatory investment? What do you think you're doing? You'll set an actual "standard" here...if this gets out of control, advocates and celebrities might have to make actual sacrifices like those they claim to be representing or aiding!

    (Now what's your agent's number? Im thinking we sell your challenge as a new fad diet...we'll make millions of your real money! We can even skim a percentage off the net for your cause, I got Jolie and Clooney's people on standby...) :)

  14. Kevin Patrick Crowley

    Malaria was almost eradicated.

    Then DDT was banned. Over 113,000,000 have died since then. Rachel Carson and William Ruckelshaus are the two largest mass murderers in history. Over 2,400,000 die every year.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re. Silent Spring

    DDT was indeed and still is nasty stuff.

    It wasn't just bird eggs but ALL avians that would be affected, including chickens and ducks.

    wiping out malaria would never have worked, the amount of DDT needed would have caused a mass avian extinction rivalling the K-T and probably resulted in many bee species also being wiped out.

    Its bad enough now with neonicotinoids and CCD, in fact this could yet send the honeybee the way of the dinosaur by about 2040 because of accumulated damage to hives worldwide.

    Hate to say it but Carson might have been on the right track, if this book had been "lost" then we would likely have experienced a mass extinction.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Re. Silent Spring

      "Hate to say it but Carson might have been on the right track, "

      A fair point. But can I have some household fly spray that actually works? The smelly, weak permethrin rubbish masquerading as fly killer in British supermarkets is no more effective than hair spray. It would be more effective to us a cigarette lighter James Bond style to kill the 'orrible little blighters.

      What I'd give for a tin of good old fashioned organophosphorus based stuff.

      1. MonkeyCee

        Re: Re. Silent Spring

        Just make natural fly traps :)

        Take a jar, punch holes larger than fly in top. Fill jar with small amount of fly tempting liquid. Vinegar or stale booze often works wonders.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Re. Silent Spring

          Two words. Cillit Bang.

          Byebye fly. It really hated that AND plus no nasty chemical smell.

          Apparently you used to be able to get a solvent (Trich maybe?) that upon contacting said fly/etc resulted in an insta-kill as its exoskeleton dissolved.

          Modern equivalents are isopropanol, this also works though not as well.

  16. Benjol

    Incriminating photo?

    Not using that special 'seasoned' pan any more?

  17. J.G.Harston Silver badge

    Quid a day on food, that's seven pounds a week. When unemployed I spent £15 a week on food. What was really killing me was the mortgage, council tax, gas, electricity, water, insurance and transport, not the food.

  18. razorfishsl

    You have to be a bit careful with 'puffball' fungus, whilst it is not poisonous directly, excessive consumption can result in a toxic reaction.

    Used to collect them as kids, on a good day you could find pure white 24" specimens.

    Now in HK. bananas and tarro grow wild, that and 4 foot catfish living in the sewers.

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