I'm still trying
to find anything positive to say about MS Word.
I've been word-processing since 1969 (IBM MT/ST) and have used a great many word processors over the years.
WordStar and its derivatives and clones such as NewWord worked well with the technology of the day. They did an excellent job but didn't move into the WYSIWYG era.
WordStar 2000 was a disaster area
WordPerfect 6.1 was an excellent program and successive versions have built on that foundation. Perfect it isn't, but exceptionally good and very well suited to legal documents. It can handle extensive and repeated redrafting exceptionally well and reformatting is child's play. For me, it's pretty-well replaced any need for a publishing program. The only thing I haven't been able to make it do is switch marginal indices to the outer edge of each page automatically.
As for MS Word, I've used it since v1 and I still dislike it intensely. It has workable review capabilities which are useful, but it's ability to make a mess of formatting when a document is edited repeatedly is horrendous as is its ability to get paragraph numbering mixed up on repeated edits. All too often I have to pull a Word document into WordPerfect to clean it up for some hapless Word user.
The success of Word is, I'm convinced, not based on the merit of the program, but rather on the unscrupulous use of power by Microsoft and major marketing blunders on the part of the various owners of WordPerfect.
Yes, the latest version of MS Word is on my computer and is used for reviewing documents on which I may be collaborating, but it's the current version of WordPerfect which gets used for all production of my own documents.