Why even bother calling it a trade agreement?
A link (http://citizen.typepad.com/eyesontrade/2014/04/new-obama-administration-report-targets-tpp-countries-public-interest-policies-as-trade-barriers-to-.html) containing some actual recommendations for countries like Malaysia and Japan, was so gross and so insensitive to those countries' sovereignty, that it was almost laughable.
Is the US completely out of it's mind? Any sane politician wouldn't sell out it's countries citizens to the corporatist regime in the US. You might as well let the US (it's corporations that is) take over your country, there's not a lot of difference.
What really bothers me about all this, is the fact that mainstream media is completely ignoring what's going on and the implications of the measures in this so-called trade agreement. They should be screaming murder over this. Also, why does the US still think it can force it's stupid policies on any other country in the world?