Catastrophe Management
The allegations are probably true, it's what everyone else does. So who gives a shit. All the boo hooing in the world is going to get governments to decide they don't have the right to demand access to products made in the countries they manage. You lot can go start a revolution if you want (cause those always result in less intrusive governments right?). Report back and let us know how it works out.
Everybody laughs, but there's a really good reason that ancient defense mechanisms were completely automated and their successful use results in the destruction of whatever was being secured. If something is so valuable that you have to hide it away from everyone then it's worth destroying to prevent others from getting it.
If that's not the case you aren't dealing with a security problem, you're dealing with a valuation problem. It's poor valuation abilities that lead to far more problems than theft of 'treasure'. If you go putting your highly valuable treasure outside your sphere of protection and it's stolen that's your problem, not anyone else's. If you go protecting things of little value through the application of great resources you won't have anything of value much longer.
The legions of finger pointers and blamers out there hate to hear it, but the solution to all this is the same as it was when burning camel shit to cave paint by was high tech. You either remove the value of the treasure or you keep the treasure secure your own way. You don't huck your treasure at everybody with free shipping then run around crying when your treasure is gone.
The less allegorical solution is to prohibit anybody from storing potentially threatening information on your behalf or for your convenience. How will that work? No fucking idea. Not my problem either. I've already made my money and like most others who have done so I did it by figuring out clever ways to work within whatever boundaries and restrictions were out there. Changing boundaries and restrictions is for politicians and useless people. Working within the reality created by those boundaries is where clever, inventive and innovative people thrive. It's the atrociously thick witted and simple minded who not only can't function within the reality, they have to ask permission to change the boundaries. So they're stupid and weak and that's the sort we elect to run our countries. So yay democracy, I guess, bunch of pantywaists. If you want to change boundaries you do it and if you're strong enough to hold them you've just redefined reality for everybody.
Will fortunes be lost? Yes. That's how systems of trade work. If you didn't know that then you're way out of your league so just shut it and get back to work, those shackles won't make themselves you know. Fortunes are made and lost and thanks to the whole globalization thing, lost fortunes may be rediscovered far away from your country, but thems the breaks. You can't have the good without the bullshit you know. Those you're screwing today may very well turn it around and be screwing you tomorrow. In fact it's almost certain that's what will occur. They've got no choice but to become stronger than you so they can change the boundaries without having to ask your permission.
So instead of endless bickering just work out your valuation issues, solve your own problems and let the stupid and weak turn a geeky hardware willy waving contest into an international stupid convention. Stop giving in to useless people who can't succeed on their own merits and you've eliminated the problem altogether. If they can't figure our how to process your fuckable flashlight payment or sell you a mobile phone or property insurance or make a simple loan or subscribe you to a magazine, catalog or mailing list without needing a DNA sample, your government issued ID number then fuck 'em. We don't need 'em anyway.
If they're all suddenly unemployed they can go back to the servant jobs historically reserved for the stupid and weak, and that's classier anyway. But right now you are the servants and your inferiors are running your lives while everyone is lost in debates about which intrusive bullshit slinging government has the easiest access to products produced by companies they host and subsidize (and all governments subsidize businesses. What do you think tax breaks are?)