back to article Sleuths find nosy NORKS drones on the Chinternet

At least one of the suspected North Korean drones found after crashing south of the 38th parallel appears to have been made by a Chinese aviation company. Taiyuan Navigation Friend Aviation Technology is a small UAV-maker based in Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi province – a little over 1,000 kilometres from Pyongyang as the …


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  1. Charles Manning

    The 1950s want their values back

    This Chinternet bollocks is just pure envy.

    It reminds me of the 1970s when japanese cars were refered to as rice rockets. Yup, run down Japanese cars because they didn't leak oil and actually started (thanks mainly to the lack of Lucas electrics). Can't build a better car than them so let's make up some smart-arsed name instead.

    A bit like the kids that would call me names at school because I beat them all at maths.

    Now we have a bunch of westerners are humiliated by the fact they owe China vast amounts of money and are envious of its ability to actually make anything. So now name-calling is easier than actually doing anything, even trying to denegrade those that are actually paying your way. It's as churlish as the dole bludgers that accept hand outs from the tax payers they refer to as "rich wankers".

    1. Irongut Silver badge

      Re: The 1950s want their values back

      Dude there is this thing called humour, if you don't know what it is might I suggest you read some other website.

    2. Psyx

      Re: The 1950s want their values back

      "A bit like the kids that would call me names at school because I beat them all at maths."

      Glad to see that you've completely gotten over it, though.

    3. JLV Silver badge

      Re: The 1950s want their values back

      I remember my parents renting a Corolla around 74 or so. Sucked big time, no power, stalled starting on (steep) hills. My last 2 cars have been Civics, but ragging on Japanese cars in the 70s wasnt necessarily unjustified.

    4. Stoneshop

      Re: The 1950s want their values back

      First, rice rockets are not just any Japanese car (or motorcycle), but souped-up ones. And if you knew anything about the type of people who engage in said souping-up, they have derogatory nicknames for any brand or class of vehicle not their own.

      Second, if anything, the article is pissing on the Norks' use of technology bought (or borrowed, or traded, or stolen) from their somewhat friendly neighbour, and bungling it.

      1. Tom 35

        Re: The 1950s want their values back

        "First, rice rockets are not just any Japanese car (or motorcycle), but souped-up ones."

        Most with over sized spoiler, and a Fart Can is required.

  2. nullacritter


    You seem a little touchy about the name calling, maybe an extra 15mins at the therapist next time might help to get over some of the issues from your childhood?

  3. Peter Simpson 1

    Taiyuan Navigation Friend Aviation Technology

    Needs to work on the "Navigation" part of their technology, methinks. That, and the fuel capacity.

    Maybe the SPB could pick up a few quid on a consulting contract?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Taiyuan Navigation Friend Aviation Technology

      "Needs to work on the "Navigation" part of their technology, methinks. That, and the fuel capacity"

      Not necessarily. I suspect a better training manual might be the first improvement to work on. I wonder if they read the engrish manuals, or if there is what would amount to a Chinese-North Korean equivalent?

      1. Psyx

        Re: Taiyuan Navigation Friend Aviation Technology

        Or maybe the person flying it feinted due to lack of calories.

        1. Cardinal

          Re: Taiyuan Navigation Friend Aviation Technology

          "Or maybe the person flying it feinted due to lack of calories"

          Pilot Officer "Artfu Dodja" perhaps?

          Wonder what UAV stands for?

  4. thx1138v2

    Drones, schmones

    Can we get some dragons with leathery and pointed flapping wings, PLEASE! Fire breathing, I guess, could be optional, but I'd really like to see something in the sky that looks a bit DIFFERENT, ya know?

    You got your Embraer RJ145 and your Airbus A380 and everything in between but they all LOOK the same. How about a little VARIETY, you know?

    Want to give the North Koreans the heebie-jeebies? Fly a few effing DRAGONS around over there, swooping in on their knobby heads at night and watch them explain THAT to Dear Leader.

    1. xperroni
      Big Brother

      Re: Drones, schmones

      Two words, BO-RING.

      Glorious Stalin had witches flying sewing machines to harass the German troops at night.

      Now that's how you scare the flying bejesus out of grown men!

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Indiana Jones?

    I wonder if the Chinese company based its design on this:

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