The 1950s want their values back
This Chinternet bollocks is just pure envy.
It reminds me of the 1970s when japanese cars were refered to as rice rockets. Yup, run down Japanese cars because they didn't leak oil and actually started (thanks mainly to the lack of Lucas electrics). Can't build a better car than them so let's make up some smart-arsed name instead.
A bit like the kids that would call me names at school because I beat them all at maths.
Now we have a bunch of westerners are humiliated by the fact they owe China vast amounts of money and are envious of its ability to actually make anything. So now name-calling is easier than actually doing anything, even trying to denegrade those that are actually paying your way. It's as churlish as the dole bludgers that accept hand outs from the tax payers they refer to as "rich wankers".