back to article Apple failsto ditch class action suit over ebook price-fix fiasco

Apple has lost its bid to dismiss an $840m class action lawsuit over the ebook price-fixing fiasco. State attorneys general in 33 states and territories have joined together with lawyers for Apple customers to sue the fruity firm for damages relating to the allegations that it worked with five major publishers to fix prices …


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  1. Rob

    Pass it around

    So as far as accounting goes, Apple can pay this using the award money from Samsung and Samsung can use the money that Apple pay them for chip production to pay the award the court have applied.

    So nobody seems to have really lost out here, Peter and Paul both seem to be quite solvent still.

    1. RaidOne

      Re: Pass it around @Rob

      Wrong. Samsung put resources in building the chips, so they lose. Unless their margin was increased with the amount Apple wants from them, which I don't think it happened.

      1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

        Re: Pass it around @Rob


        1. RaidOne

          Re: Pass it around @Trevor

          My bad. I am in the wrong.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If Apple pay El Reg to be a 'promotion partner' do you start saying nice things about them ?

    1. Swarthy

      Have you read El Reg's motto? I think paying them just makes 'em bite harder.

    2. Daniel B.


      One thing I like about El Reg is that they slam everyone. On the ebook scandal, its sad that the publishers didn't get to foot the harsher bill but then Apple could've had it easier if they had entered the deal as the publishers did. They knew they were wrong, otherwise all five publishers wouldn't had wimped out...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Doubtfully

        Working for a publisher I can assure you that apple DO fix prices, they dictate to the publisher "brackets" that epubs should fall into and woe betide any publisher who disagrees with apple as to how much their publication should cost.

  3. JaitcH

    Useful ruling for the new Apple price fixing racket

    Hopefully the final determination of this price fixing scam by Apple, where all their co-conspirators have pled no contest and paid the penalty, will make Apple rethink it's partnership policies.

    1. auburnman

      Re: Useful ruling for the new Apple price fixing racket

      Did they plead no contest? I thought the usual corporate bargain was that they'd pay a big settlement fine in return for dropping proceedings against them (hence no guilty verdict and no open floodgates for lawsuits.)

  4. Tromos

    Apple acted...

    ...not so much to "loosen Amazon's growing stranglehold on the emerging market", more to replace it with a more expensive stranglehold of their own.

  5. Daniel Barnes

    I don't understand why Apples fine is 5x what the other companies are paying, surely it's a 50/50 blame situation? Or am I missing something?

  6. F111F

    I Already Got Mine

    Payments (credit to my account) from Amazon and Apple, both. More to come?

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