More patent nonsense that will stifle creativity and end up with one or two companies cornering the market.
Apple eyes virtual reality goggle game with patent filing
Apple has filed for a patent which suggests the company is looking into developing its own head-mounted virtual reality system. The patent application, disclosed Thursday by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), was originally filed by Apple in December of 2013. It describes a set of goggles which would be worn by users …
Friday 11th April 2014 08:21 GMT Lionel Baden
I totally agree, if they actually allow this then somebody needs to go a slap somebody at the patent office really really hard. They really have to have a good re-think of the patent system.
and my little message for apple, FUCK OFF TRYING TO OWN EVERYTHING. just make your own goddamn goggles and try and compete fairly.
Consider that a challenge.
Thursday 10th April 2014 20:28 GMT Grikath
Apple Patenting
"We have heard of something the competition is developing, and we will be the first to pre-emptively file roughly the same idea, which may or may not be implemented in the form shown, or with the internal components described, or even start working on an actual prototype in as broad a wording as possible to ensure that whatever the competition comes up with we can claim we *thought* of it first."
addendum a) "on a mobile device".
Thursday 10th April 2014 20:40 GMT Chris G
We will have augmented virtual reality or virtually augmented reality?
Either way as mentioned above it is beginning to look as though a good many patent filings by Apple and others is just a method of hedging bets and leaving the door open for potentially profitable litigation in the future.
Thursday 10th April 2014 22:09 GMT Anonymous Coward
I tried to find out but…
Honestly, I couldn't be bothered to read to the end. I think one new thing is to have a motorized adjustment system for the goggles, which remembers previous users and their adjustment settings.
It's soul-crushing to read how every single screw of the system is put as a different claim of the patent.
Thursday 10th April 2014 21:03 GMT Vector
Augmented Reality?
"... suggesting a closed 'virtual reality' headset closer to the Oculus Rift than the 'augmented reality' of Google's Glass unit."
Google Glass is not 'augmented reality' by a long shot. It's a tiny screen sitting at the edge of the user's vision. Augmented Reality, on the other hand, is an overlay on what the user sees in front of them.
Friday 11th April 2014 05:05 GMT Jiminy
Sounds more like they are making a head mounted screen for watching tv, maybe this is the iTv device everyone keeps expecting
something like
Far too many vague claims in it like:
"[0008] In some embodiments, the outer layer may include one or more surfaces covering the frame. The surfaces may be curved or flat, and may include one or more features for customizing or enhancing the appearance of the outer cover. ... "
The only actual technical detail they seem to have added is that the lenses will be moveable by motors, No idea if that is a new idea or not, but they could have easily made that claim without all the other waffle