I for one....
Welcome our new robo skippy overlords.......
If you want evidence for the sad state of science in Australia, here it is: the world's first bionic kangaroo has been developed in Germany. Tool-maker turned industrial automation specialist Festo is responsible for the two-year project that's given the world the robot 'roo. Not only has the mechanical macropod a movement …
The tail blocks the view of the rear light so it isn't 'street legal' at the moment. Also, it will need white lights shining from its eyes.
On a separate note, I have a background feeling that much of that video was 'rendered' from CAD models, except for the woman who could have been added in.
You don't think it's real?
German "humor" is a bit of an acquired taste.
Sadly it's a taste they took with them to the new world and which was subsequently "acquired" by the Americans.
With "hilarious" consequences*
My personal favorite was a design to eliminate the pidgin problem using an air tight pidgin coup and a supply of CO2 The presentation had that balletic grace of a slow motion (but inevitable) car crash. .
I can see why it doesn't quite look right. They've got the tail rigid, while if you look at the video of the actual kangaroo, you can see it moves, and flexes, during the hop to stabilise the centre of gravity. Also, the arms should tuck up when it's not using them, as with a real 'roo.
Oh, hang on, I'm supposed to say something "funny" and not particularly relevant...ahem..."Are they sure it wasn't *Austrian* scientists that built it?"
Was that OK?