But can it ride a bicycle? Or at least do a bicycle kick?
Seriously, what happens if this idea actually works out well? I'd guess there will be more and more invalids walking around in these things, and there will be demands to accomodate them just like with wheelchairs.
Oh sure, stairs will be doable, but what about seating in public transport? These gadgets won't be fitting in a standard airline seat any time soon. Just how much extra expense will we face to handle discrimination lawsuits? And what about inperfect interactions with the able-bodied, such as getting knocked down accidentally, or spilling hot soup on someone? Where will the blame fall?
Then there's the question of "assisted sex." The more I think about it, the less I want to think about it. I'm not talking about invalids getting it on, but non-invalids finding alternate uses for powered exoskeletons. Oh well, can't hold back progress, I guess.