And a very happy April 1st to all at El Reg
BT Tower to be replaced by 3D printed BT Tower
Prime Minister David Cameron will announce a futuristic addition to London’s skyline today. The familiar shape of BT Tower, opened in 1965 by Harold Wilson, will give way to a 3D printed tower – believed to be the largest additive polymer construction in the world. The 21st century version is designed to be a replica of the …
Tuesday 1st April 2014 12:04 GMT Jim 59
LOL. The photo background shows how the London skyline would look if a small number of architecture consultancies were just allowed throw up a collection of cheap, brutalist, mindless buildings in a random variety of styles and positions, with zero sympathy for the surroundings, historical setting or the human inhabitants. Imagine if that really happened.
Tuesday 1st April 2014 06:33 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: 10 Downing Street
in other April 1st news, MPs are taking seriously the music industry's desire that all Internet sites are to be blocked unless they can be proven to have no connection whatsoever with anything it doesn't like - such as the use of torrents, even if for the free and fair distribution of CC or GPL content/files, the use of torrents will be taken as proof of illegality, and sites can be banned without proof of them breaking the law being tested in court ....
Oh, wait .... oh sh*t ... that's real ... well, at least there aren't any self-serving, publicity-seeking politicians trying to use the untimely death of a teenager for political point scoring ... oh, i've done it again ...
Tuesday 1st April 2014 09:39 GMT Dave 126
Re: Future?
Yep, there's that old technique of building silos by pouring concrete into two short concentric steels sleeves. As the concrete cures, the sleeves jack themselves up on the now solid concrete, more fresh concrete is added and the process continues until the desired height is achieved.
Tuesday 1st April 2014 08:07 GMT Shoot Them Later
Crowd source it
What they need to do is distribute the 3D printer files for a 30cm replica of the tower to the millions(?) of 3D printer-equipped people out there. They can then hold up their mini versions at just the right distance from their eyes that they appear the same size as the original in the distance. We can then demolish the original and replace it with something truly emblematic of modern Britain, such as a pound shop. True, only people with a mini tower to hand will be able to see it, but we could create some kind of app to allow sharing with people in your area (thus, Silicon Roundabout would get to make a truly useful contribution).
Comment inspired by the picture accompanying the article, which clearly shows how it would look in practice.
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Tuesday 1st April 2014 09:11 GMT Elmer Phud
It may be a hoax but Boris has been approached by men coming from the East and thinks that another expensive, useless penis replica would be fine as long as he can find a park to build over.
Biggest laugh was that Boris is putting more money in to publicising Boris-Island while suggesting Heathrow should be built over.
(Shakespeare's fools were usually wise men)
Tuesday 1st April 2014 09:13 GMT Anonymous Coward
And in further news
BT are planning, for one day only, to release a broadband advert that:
- doesn't have that floppy haired prick in it. At all.
- is wholly truthful about the capabilities of their network.
- gives an excerpt of the standard conversation you will have with their call centre.
- is brutally honest about just how little 'our best ever wifi signal' actually means.
- explains that when they write the phrase 'up to', they mean 'nowhere near'.
- explains that any box with wires coming out of it, regardless of actual function, will perform better than the home hub.
- will not mention BT sport at all. Or twist the English language with phrases like '18 top picks exclusively live matches only on BT sport free* with BT broadband today and last week only'
(* line rental, broadband, fair usage, phone, hub delivery and BT sport charges may apply)
Tuesday 1st April 2014 11:48 GMT McHack
Re: See you later
"Is there anything other than foolish carp on thereg today?"
Well, Lando Calrissian just gave up on Dancing with the Stars, citing too much back pain from too much dallying with Orion slave girls in copper metal bikinis when last at Disneyworld. The Force was not with him. Neither was his eyesight, as it was hard to distinguish between skin and corrosion.
Maybe that'll be worth a mention later.
Say, if you want, maybe they could dig up some Hilarious Haddock instead. If you ask nice. Or point you to a different Ubuntu release, like Parsimonious Pike.